Minutes of the 1996 ICPE Meeting
Held of the American Center In Physies
Maryland, USA, July 29-30, 1996
Participants: P. Black; A. Tiberghien; W. Y. Luo; E. Redish; T. Ryu;
R.K. Wassef; E. Lillethun; and A.M.P. Carvalho
Apologies for absence were received from: U. Ganiel; F. Kaczmarek;
M. Kesselberg; P. L. Lijnse; K. Luchner; G. Radnai and S.W. Raither
Invited to attend: L. Jossem; K. Zhao; M. Konuma (UNESCO-PAC); C.Ucke
(to present the GIREP Conference) and R. Beck-Clark (to present I-A Conference).
1.1. The ICPE Chairman welcomed the members and visitors
1.2. The Secretary distributed the minutes with the correction sent by fax to the commission members. The minutes were approved subject to further minor corrections. The final version will appear on the web page
1.3. The agenda was approved
1.4. J. Franz, executive officer of the American Physical Society,
visited the meeting briefly to welcome the Commission to the American Center
ICPE sponsored conferences for 1996:
2.1. E. Redish reported on the preparations for the "International Conference on Undergraduate Physics Education" (July 30th to August 3rd)
2.2. P. Black reported on the preparations for GIREP/ICPE International Conference 1996 New Ways of Teaching Physics - Ljubljana - Slovenia 21-27/8/96
2.3. The first circular for the Conference on "Modern Science and Technology in School Physics Curricula for 21st Century", Bangkok, Thailand, 16-20/12/96, was distributed.
Proposed Conferences
2.4. P. Black, reported that for the International Conference "Physics Experiments in Education in 21 st Century" proposed last year for 1996, and deferred for possible support for 1997, no futher information or proposal had been submitted.
2.5. A Tiberghiem described the aim of the summer school organised by the European Science Education Research Association, Aug. 28 - Sept. 3,1996 in Rome
2.6. R. Beck-Clark spoke about the VI Inter-American Conference on Physics Education, Cordoba, Argentina, June,30 - July 4, 1997.
2.7. E. Lillethun reported that the prospect of a Conference "How to teach Physics in High School in Africa" had been postponed, perhaps until 1998
2.8. K. Zhao reported on the organization of the International Conference on New Challenges in University Physics Education, Beijing, China; August 22-24, 1997, proposed by the UNESCO - PAC Working Group 3
2.9. P. Black presented the plans for the International Conference "Creativity in Physics Education", Sopron, Hungary; August 16-22, 1997, proposed by Professor Marx.
2.10. C. Ucke presented the plans for the International Conference "Hands on Experiments and Toys in Physics Education, Duisburg, Germany, Sept 2-10, 1998, as proposed by GIREP
2.11. P. Black presented the "Taller Iberoamericano en Ensenañza
de la Física Universitaria"- Habana, Cuba, January 20-24, 1997,
proposed by a group in the University of Havana with support from Spain
and Italy.
ICPE sponsorship had been requested for 2.6, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11.
It was agreed to foward these to IUPAP in the following order:
1. Inter-American Conference on Physics Education - Cordoba, Argentina
2. International Conference on New Challengies in University Physics Education, Beijin, China
3. International Conference "Creativity in Physics Education", Hungary
4. Taller Iberoamericano en Enseñanza de la Física
Universitaria, Habana, Cuba
It would be explained to IUPAP that (1) and (2) were ranked at equal
priorities, that (3) was potentialy intended for high school teachers who
would have very limited funding support and that (4) as a new venture from
a developing country deserved support if at all possible.
1998 (in principle)
"Hands on Experiments and Toys in Physics Education", Duisburg,
4.1. The book on "Research on Physics Education and Teacher Training"
The Commission welcomed the progress made and thanked Andre Tiberghien
and Leonard Jossem for their works.The exact modes of publication had yet
to be settled. The copyright of the work would be owned by the ICPE
4.2. ICPE Newsletter
E. Redish presented the plan for future issues and asked for help
from Commission members to extend and up-date the mailing list. The IUPAP
had granted a sum of 5000 swiss francs to support the newsletter - efforts
would be made to bring copies to the next IUPAP assembly.
P.Black presente the report on the work of ICPE, C-14, sent to IUPAP
and published in "Reports IUPAP 1993-1996". He also explained
how the voting for the commissions membership will take place at the General
Assembly of IUPAP which will be help in September in Uppsala. The Commission
agreed to ask the executive to nominate E. Redish for Vice President of
the Commission. He also reported that the Uppsala assembly had before it
plans to strenghthen the role of the Commissions in the elections and in
the executive of the IUPAP.
M. Komuna spoke about the UNESCO Physics Action Council - Working Group 3. The Beijing Conference (2.8 above) would be one product of the work of Group 3. Council products of the group's work.
R.K. Wassef reported that ARAPEN activities had virtually ceased because of lack of funds from UNESCO. All funds were delegated to the UNESCO Regional Office who would not support ARAPEN. The project for the UNESCO Foundation course in physics education for students non-majoring in physics was published by himself as a book, but he lacked funds to distribute it.
6.3. GIREP and the Inter-American Council on Physics Education
These organizations are preparing their Conferences
6.4. C-13
E. Lillethun presented the C-13 report as published in "Reports
IUPAP 1993-1996"
The chairman reminded members about the ICPE medal. It was agreed
that he should circulate members of the existing Commission asking if they
wish to make a nomination for an award in 1997. The response would be presented
to the new Commission.
8.1. (a) Work to establish network of contact persons
E. Lillethun will start this trying to cover all countries in Africa.
Every present member is asked to help by sending him suitable. A contact
for Physics Education for the region should have acess to e-mail and preferably
to our web-pages, and should be willing to help others in her or his region
by downloading documents from the Web-, by using e-mail in order to collect
notices and documents which might be advertised to those without e-mail
in the region, and by distributing the newsletter.
(b) other activities which ICPE could propose but for which funds would have to be obtained.
(i) Summer Schools for teachers - ICPE might arrange advisers to help conduct these.
(ii) Sponsor leaders in teacher training in developing countries to visit centres and study.
(iii) Develop active local (regional) units of expertise.
(iv) Help local units develop physics experiments with local resources.
We should
(a) write to the new President of the World Bank
(b) obtain from UNESCO addresses of all their regional centres, and then ask each centre for information about their activities.
(c) find about ICTP (Trieste) activities and inquire if they could support any of (i) to (iv) above
8.2. Conference Strategy
It was agreed that members should each review the current guide for conference organisers and send comments to Professor Jossem by the end of August : he would then consider a revision.
It was also agreed that the ICPE should be more proactive in proposing themes for future meetings, and should try to stimulate selected organisations to take responsibility for an international meeting on one of these. The themes proposed were:
Cosmology and Fundamental Particles (how can these be incorporated in high school physics).
Images and Analysis (the new applications of Physics in present technologies in engineering and in medicine)
Physics Education Research (all papers to be on research issues or
results) Informal discussion would be pursued to try to encourage adoption
of these themes by suitable centres.
8.3. Information Exchange
The following proposal was approved:
improve the distribution of the ICPE newsletter
use the www
send via e-mail attachment
use the UNESCO homepage
The current web pages for ICPE were shown to members. The Commission
recorded is thanks to the graduate students and to Professor Redish for
starting this facility plans to add other documents and links were in train
and ICPE members were asked to send information about existing organisations
which might have web pages so that links could be set up. The commission
agreed to give a moderate sum.
8.4. ICPE Publication.
The commission tried to answer the question: What is the commission able to produce?
The following ideas were suggested:
- "Video clips" to enrich the teaching
(a) A study of how a particular physics topic (or several topics)
was treated in the curricula and textbooks across several countries (to
be proposed to the TIMSS unit doing such analysis at East Lansing under
Bill Schmidt).
9. Next ICPE meeting
The commission had received three invitations:
Beijin, China; Cordoba, Argentina and Sopron, Hungary. In September,
after the IUPAP meeting, the place and dates will be decided by the new
10. The chairman reported that he had heard nothing of the activities
of the ICSU be Committee for Capacity Biulding in Science. It was agreed
that ICSU be approached for news. It had been thought that Prof. Marx was
a liaison member for IUPAP, but he understood that he was only a liaison
person not a member.
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Last modified 22 Jan, 1997