Abstract Information

  Title: Investigating Students' Concepts of Surface Phenomena*
  Meeting: 119th AAPT National Meeting: San Antonio, TX
  Location: N/A
  Date: Thursday, August 5
  Time: 4:30 p.m.
  Author: Kastro M. Hamed, Kansas State Univ.
785-532-1633, kastro@phys.ksu.edu
  Co-Author(s): Dean A. Zollman, ,
  Abstract: As part of an effort to integrate contemporary research and education we are investigating students' understanding of surface phenomena, of the particulate nature of matter, and the relation between acroscopic phenomena to microscopic molecular behavior. Additionally, students' patterns and development of reasoning and extrapolation are of special interest. The probing procedure utilizes a focused, semi-structured, Piagetian type interview, with an interview protocol developed and piloted. The findings of this research will be used as a guide in the development of instructional materials that introduces students to contemporary research in surface physics. A brief overview of the project, with special attention to the findings and themes that emerged from interviews with 44 students will be presented.