Abstract Information

  Title: Model Analysis on Fine Structures of Student Models: Development of a Survey Instrument
  Meeting: 120th AAPT National Meeting: Kissimmee, FL
  Location: N/A
  Date: Wednesday, January 19
  Time: 1:30 p.m.
  Author: Lei Bao, Kansas State Univ.
785-532-1824, lbao@phys.ksu.edu
  Co-Author(s): Kirsten Hogg, Dean A. Zollman, Edward F. Redish
  Abstract: Student models of physics are context-dependent. A variety of physical features can get involved in the student modeling process. For example, student models of Newton's third law often involve issues such as mass, velocity, and acceleration. These fine details of student models are often difficult to extract from multiple-choice surveys through traditional evaluation methods. Using Model Analysis, we developed new algorithms and multiple-choice questions to study the fine structures of student models in the context of Newton's third law.1,2 We will discuss the methods, as well as the results, from the introductory physics students at Kansas State University.