Visual Quantum Mechanics: A Six-Year Review

Abstract Information

  Session: Teacher Training/ Enhancement
  Meeting: 122nd AAPT National Meeting: San Diego, CA
  Location: Lower Level Exhibit Hall
  Date: Jan. 8
  Time: 9:30 a.m.
  Author: Dean A. Zollman, Kansas State Univ.
  Co-Author(s): Kirsten Hogg, Chandima Cumaranatunge, Waldemar Axmann, Donna Poole
  Abstract: The Visual Quantum Mechanics project has created a series of teaching/learning units to introduce quantum physics to a variety of audiences ranging from high school students, who normally would not study these topics, to undergraduate physics majors. Interactive Engagements (In-Gagements) include computer visualizations coupled with hands-on experiences. Our goal is to enable students to obtain a qualitative and, where appropriate, a quantitative understanding of contemporary ideas in physics. Included in the instructional materials are student-centered activities that address a variety of concepts in quantum physics and applications to contemporary devices. Explorations with inexpensive equipment, scientific model building, computer visualization, and applications to new situations are all included. Materials include In-Gagements for high school students, nonscience students at the college level, preservice teachers, physics majors, and pre-health professional students, as well as an online course for in-service teachers.
  Footnotes: *Supported by NSF grants #ESI-9452782 and #DUE-9652888 and by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Additional Authors: Lei Bao, Ohio State Univ.; Lawrence Escalada and Michael Thoresen, Univ. of Northern Iowa; and N. Sanjay Rebello, Clarion Univ. of Pennsylvania