Rami Arieli: "The Laser Adventure" Section 6.2.1 page 4
Ruby - The first Laser
The Ruby laser is a laser which operate in a very narrow range of parameters.
The Ruby laser is a three level laser, and it is a surprise that it was the first man made lasers in history.
As a matter of fact, right after the first published article of Townes and Schawlow on the feasibility of lasing in the visible spectrum, many research laboratories started an effort to create the first laser.
The common assumption was that optical pumping is inefficient because they were thinking of gasses, and as explained before, the width of spectral absorption in gasses is very narrow. They thought that pumping with a broad band source such as flash lamp, would be very inefficient, since most of the excitation energy would not be absorbed, and population inversion would not be achieved.

Small Ruby rods are with diameter of about 6 [mm], and length of about 7 [cm].
The biggest rods can be up to 20 [mm] in diameter, and 20 [cm] in length.
In figure 6.14 a schematic description of the first Ruby laser developed by Theodore Maiman.

Figure 6.14: Schematic Description of the First Ruby Laser

Since the Ruby crystal is a jewel, the story is that Maiman’s wife was wearing it on her neck when they came to conferences.