Rami Arieli: "The
Laser Adventure" Divergence Lab., Page 2
Experimental Procedure :
This experiment is best performed in a long corridor, with the lights off.
For safety reasons,
it is suggested to put the laser on the floor.
Figure 1: Measuring Beam Divergence. (Diverge1.jpg)
Place the screen, supported by the magnetic
mount, directly in front of the He-Ne laser,
so that the light from the laser
is perpendicularly incident on the screen.
Put the He-Ne laser on the table, make sure the area where the laser beam
is pointing is clear.
Place the screen at a few different positions, starting close to the laser
and finishing at large distances a few meters away from the laser (the
further the better).
Measure and record (on the data sheet) the distance of screen from the
laser L
Measure and record (on the data sheet) the diameter of the beam D
on the screen.
Determining the exact diameter of the beam
is difficult, because the beam intensity is reduced with 1/(distance)2,
and over the beam cross section it decays almost exponentially (Gaussian
shape) toward the edges.
More accurate measurement
is by subtracting the laser beam diameter at the laser output (d) from
the measured value (D), and call it the new value (D*).
Draw a graph of D* vs. L.
Calculate (on the data sheet) the slope of the graph.
Calculate (on the data sheet) the angle of divergence of the laser.
Repeat steps 1 through 6 with the Diode