Changing Masses, Changing Patterns While we have learned about this equation using electrons, it can be used for any type of matter. So, you might wonder why we do not see wave effects for large objects.
To begin to understand and experiment with objects with masses greater than that of an electron, run the simulation of the experiment for electrons. Throughout this experiment keep the same energy.
Start the Double Slit program.
Next choose pions and repeat the process. Repeat for neutrons, and finally protons. (A pion has a mass 270 times that of the electron while the neutron and proton masses are about 2,000 times that of the electron.) After doing these experiments, feel free to vary any of the parameters except the energy. Then, answer the following questions by comparing the diffraction patterns made using the other types of matter with the patterns produced using electrons.
How do the distances between dark areas change with the mass?
How does the de Broglies wavelength change?
How do the patterns from protons compare to the patterns for neutrons?
Use de Broglies hypothesis to explain this similarity or difference.