Hydrogen Absorption Spectrography

We've seen the hydrogen atom gain energy from our source and then emit certain colors of energy. We've also seen the hydrogen atom lose electrons all together in ionization. Now, let's do another activity that is fairly similar to emission. Lets think of what happens to the spectra if the hydrogen atom simply gains the energy.

Let's expose some light on the hydrogen atoms. Knowing that emission acts similar to absorption (the act of gaining energy), what would you speculate happens to the electrons?

To explore the Hydrogen Spectra using Energy levels, follow these instructions.

For non Java Browsers: (Instructions)

Now follow this link to the Absorption Spectroscopy program.

Hydrogen Absorption Program

The absorption program only uses the visible spectra. Notice that the light from the light bulb shows the entire spectra. The spectrum that is passing through the hydrogen gas has black lines.

Which picture of absorption did you use? (Click on either picture for the accepted answer)
Choice 1 Choice 2

Absoption we do not see the electron losing energy excited states, rather, we see electrons gaining energy to excited states. This has been indicated in the program with the upwards arrows. The electrons are gaining the energy from the light bulb light shining into the hydrogen gas tube.