August 10-11,
2005 |
Workshop Presenter Information
Thursday, August 11
Click here for Rooms & Times
Instructions for Workshop Presenters
Please prepare materials for about 50-60 participants for each of your two sessions.
You will be provided with a computer projector and any other special equipment or services that you requested (e.g. flip chart, tables, wireless internet etc.)
Please inspect the room by Wednesday, August 10 and make sure that it meets all of your requirements.
PERC 2005 Organizing Committee |
Kastro M. Hamed | |
Department of Physics | |
University of Texas at El Paso | |
El Paso, TX 79968 | |
(915) 747-7548 office | (915) 747-5447 fax |
kastro@utep.edu | |
Rebecca Lindell | |
Department of Physics | |
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | |
Edwardsville, IL |
(618) 650-2934 office | (618) 650-3556 fax |
rlindel@siue.edu | |
N. Sanjay Rebello | |
Department of Physics | |
Kansas State University | |
Manhattan, KS 66506-2601 | |
(785) 532-1539 office | (785) 532-6806 fax |
srebello@phys.ksu.edu | |