August 10-11,
2005 |
Tentative Schedule (by Room)
Room | 5:45 - 6:45 | 6:50 - 8:00 | 8:00 - 10:00 |
OSH Auditorium |
Keynote Address Lillian C. McDermott |
--- | --- |
Union Ballroom | --- | Dinner
Banquet ($30 Ticket Required) |
--- |
Union Ballroom | --- | --- | Contributed
Poster Session (Refreshments) Posters remain up through August 11 |
Room | 8:00 - 8:15 |
8:15-9:45 |
9:45 - 10:15 | 10:15 - 12:15 | 12:15 - 1:45 |
OSH Auditorium | Orientation | --- | --- | Invited Talks & Panel Discussion | --- |
Union Ballroom | --- | --- | --- | Luncheon
Banquet Speaker: Dr. Harold Himmel- farb |
Union Ballroom | --- | --- | Break (Refreshments) | --- | --- |
Union Parlor A | --- |
Workshop W-A:
Important Issues in Preparing Graduate
Teaching Assistants Kathleen Harper, The Ohio State University |
--- | --- | --- |
Union Collegiate | --- |
Targeted Poster Session TP-A:
Goals & Assessment in the PhysTEC
Project: Drawing from Research and Systematic Self-assessment to Promote
Inquiry-Oriented Teacher Education
Laura Lising, Towson University, Noah Finkelstein, University of Colorado Bob Poel, Western Michigan University, Ted Hodapp, American Physical Society |
--- | --- | --- |
Union Saltair | --- |
Targeted Poster Session TP-B:
Research on Improving Content and Pedagogical Knowledge of Science Teachers Chandralekha Singh, University of Pittsburgh |
--- | --- | --- |
Union Panorama East | --- |
Combined Workshop & Targeted Poster Session
Title: Forthcoming Organizer, University of Washington |
--- | --- | --- |
OSH 231 | --- |
Roundtable Discussion RT-B:
Title To be Announced Organizer, Institution |
--- | --- | --- |
OSH 232 | --- |
Roundtable Discussion RT-A
Title To be Announced Organizer, Institution |
--- | --- | --- |
OSH 233 | --- |
--- |
--- | --- | --- |
OSH 234 | --- |
Workshop W-B:
Model Analysis: Theoretical
Basis and Methodology for Developing Effective Assessment Lei Bao & Neville Reay, The Ohio State University |
--- | --- | --- |
OSH 235 | --- |
--- |
--- | --- | --- |
OSH 238 | --- |
--- |
--- | --- | --- |
Room |
1:45 - 3:15 |
3:15 - 3:45 |
3:45 - 5:15 Workshops, Targeted Poster Sessions & Roundtable Discussions - III |
OSH Auditorium | --- | --- | --- |
Union Ballroom |
--- |
Break (Refreshments) |
--- |
Union Ballroom |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Union Parlor A |
Workshop W-A:
Important Issues in Preparing Graduate
Teaching Assistants Kathleen Harper, The Ohio State University |
--- | --- |
Union Collegiate |
Targeted Poster Session TP-A:
Goals & Assessment in the PhysTEC
Project: Drawing from Research and Systematic Self-assessment to Promote
Inquiry-Oriented Teacher Education
--- | --- |
Union Saltair | --- | --- |
Targeted Poster Session TP-B:
Research on Improving Content and Pedagogical Knowledge of Science Teachers Chandralekha Singh, University of Pittsburgh |
Union Panorama East |
Combined Workshop & Targeted Poster Session
Title: Forthcoming Organizer, University of Washington |
--- |
--- |
OSH 231 |
Roundtable Discussion RT-C:
Title To be Announced Organizer, Institution |
--- |
Roundtable Discussion RT-B:
Title To be Announced Organizer, Institution |
OSH 232 |
Roundtable Discussion RT-A:
Title To be Announced Organizer, Institution |
--- |
--- |
OSH 233 |
Workshop W-C:
Piaget's Workshop Dewey Dyskstra, Boise State University |
--- |
Workshop W-C:
Piaget's Workshop Dewey Dyskstra, Boise State University |
OSH 234 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
OSH 235 |
Targeted Poster Session TP-C:
The Changing Face of Teacher Training: Creating Well-Qualified
Physics and Astronomy Educators in the Age of No Child Left Behind Rebecca Lindell, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
--- |
Targeted Poster Session TP-C:
The Changing Face of Teacher Training: Creating Well-Qualified
Physics and Astronomy Educators in the Age of No Child Left Behind Rebecca Lindell, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
OSH 238 |
--- |
--- |
Roundtable Discussion RT-C:
Title To be Announced Organizer, Institution |
PERC 2005 Organizing Committee |
Kastro M. Hamed | |
Department of Physics | |
University of Texas at El Paso | |
El Paso, TX 79968 | |
(915) 747-7548 office | (915) 747-5447 fax |
kastro@utep.edu | |
Rebecca Lindell | |
Department of Physics | |
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | |
Edwardsville, IL |
(618) 650-2934 office | (618) 650-3556 fax |
rlindel@siue.edu | |
N. Sanjay Rebello | |
Department of Physics | |
Kansas State University | |
Manhattan, KS 66506-2601 | |
(785) 532-1539 office | (785) 532-6806 fax |
srebello@phys.ksu.edu | |