August 10-11,
2005 |
PERC Proceedings
For any questions pertaining to
PERC Proceedings
Please contact Paula Heron (pheron@phys.washington.edu)
The purpose of the conference proceedings is to provide a written record of the scholarly work undertaken by physics education researchers by documenting the research presented at the annual Physics Education Research Conference. To this end, the editors welcome the submission not only of significant or final results, but also of preliminary research results and discussions of works in progress.
In order for a manuscript to be eligible for submission to the Proceedings, the first author must make a presentation at the PERC 2005 in Salt Lake City, UT. That is, the first author must contribute a poster to the contributed poster session, lead a roundtable discussion, give an invited talk, present a poster at a targeted poster session or present data at a data analysis consultation session. (One need not submit a manuscript in order to make a presentation.)
Work that is presented at the main AAPT meeting but not at the PERC is not eligible for submission to the Proceedings. Everyone submitting a paper for publication may also be asked to help with the peer-review of other people's contributions.
Manuscript submissions may be contributed or invited. Contributed manuscripts are those associated with either a contributed PERC poster or a roundtable discussion. All contributed manuscripts will be peer-reviewed with an understanding that submissions may show preliminary results and works in progress.
Invited manuscripts are those associated with either an invited oral presentation, an invited poster at a targeted poster session or a data presentation for a data analysis consultation session. Each person who makes an invited presentation at the PERC is expected to submit a manuscript documenting that presentation. There will be separate, invited sections of the Proceedings for the invited manuscripts. Invited manuscripts may be peer-reviewed at the author's request.
Contributed Papers
Deadline: Tuesday, July 19.
Please submit your manuscript by email directly to Paula Heron
Please make sure the subject line in your email is "PERC2005 Proceedings"Invited Papers
The deadline for invited papers is August 31st.
Unlike contributed papers, invited papers should be sent to Jeff Marx (jmarx@mcdaniel.edu).
The PERC Proceedings will be published as a volume in the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings Series. As in the past, all registered PERC participants will receive a copy. AIP will make additional copies available for purchase and will make the entire Proceedings available on the web. (If your institution has a site license, access to the full text should be free of charge; otherwise there is a fee.) All participants will receive a fully searchable CD-ROM of the entire proceedings as well as a printed copy.
Preparing a manuscript
General instructions for authors can be found at: http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/authors.jsp. Click on “8.5 x 11 inch, double-column format” to download the author instructions booklet ( http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/8x11doubleinst.pdf). You can also download it from this PERC website by clicking here. MS Word and LaTex templates are available for use in preparing your manuscripts. All papers must be submitted in .PDF format. The paper should not exceed four (4) pages in length.
Transfer of Copyright
AIP will hold the copyright for the Proceedings. A Transfer of Copyright Agreement is available at:
http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/tca_blank.pdf. You can also download it from this PERC website by clicking here. The Transfer of Copyright Agreement must be submitted along with each manuscript by the above deadline.Permission to Reprint Published Material
If your submission contains any material copyrighted elsewhere you must obtain permission using the Request for Permission to Reprint Published Material form
(http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/permission.pdf). You can also download this document from this PERC website by clicking here. Submit the returned forms as evidence that you have obtained all necessary permissions. The author instructions booklet has examples of what does and does not require permission. Note that material previously published in an AIP journal (e.g., Physical Review, American Journal of Physics, etc.) is exempt, as AIP already owns the copyright.
Beyond the conference registration fee, there will be no additional fee required to contribute a paper for publication in the Proceedings. Once published, the Proceedings will be available for purchase. The purchase price of the Proceedings is now included in the registration fee for the meeting.
Does presenting a talk in a PER session of the main AAPT meeting qualify for manuscript inclusion in the Proceedings?
No, only work presented at the PERC is eligible for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Hence, presentation in a PER session of the main AAPT meeting does NOT qualify (the main meeting is not the PERC).
Are the manuscripts required to be black and white or can color be used?
Printing will be in black and white. Therefore, manuscripts should be submitted in black and white.
Why are manuscripts due BEFORE the conference? Can I submit a manuscript AFTER the conference?
The deadline to submit the manuscript is BEFORE the conference in order to allow (force) reviewers to do reviews during the conference. This will keep the turn around time short and allow reviewers to be influenced by interactions at the poster sessions and oral presentations. Modifications to the submitted manuscript that address the reviewers' comments can be made after the conference. NO manuscripts will be accepted after the deadline.
I want to purchase a copy of the Conference Proceedings, how can I do so?
Printed copies can be ordered from AIP. The Proceedings will also be available on the web (for a fee).
There are all these new session formats. Which of them qualify for manuscript inclusion in the Proceedings?
All of them. Specifically, you may submit a paper for inclusion in the Proceedings if you
contribute a poster to the PERC contributed poster session,
lead a PERC roundtable discussion,
present an invited talk at the PERC,
present a poster at a PERC Targeted Poster Session, or
present a PERC Workshop.
PERC 2005 Organizing Committee |
Kastro M. Hamed | |
Department of Physics | |
University of Texas at El Paso | |
El Paso, TX 79968 | |
(915) 747-7548 office | (915) 747-5447 fax |
kastro@utep.edu | |
Rebecca Lindell | |
Department of Physics | |
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville | |
Edwardsville, IL |
(618) 650-2934 office | (618) 650-3556 fax |
rlindel@siue.edu | |
N. Sanjay Rebello | |
Department of Physics | |
Kansas State University | |
Manhattan, KS 66506-2601 | |
(785) 532-1539 office | (785) 532-6806 fax |
srebello@phys.ksu.edu | |