August 4-5, 2004
California State University, Sacramento

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Contributed Posters

8:00-10:00PM, Wednesday, August 4
Union Ballroom - II

Contributed Poster Presenters:  Please follow the instructions provided here.

We categorized the Contributed Posters (CP) based on the abstracts.  The following themes  emerged:

Several posters may lie in more than one category, however for the purposes of organizing this session, we chose what we believed to be the most appropriate category for each poster.  Below we have listed the posters by category. 

Posters in each category will be located contiguously.  A room layout for the Contributed Poster Session indicating the location of each poster will be provided.


Assessment Issues (CP-AI)



The design and validation of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey


Wendy Adams ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Katherine Perkins ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Noah Finkelstein  , University of Colorado, Boulder

Carl Wieman  , University of Colorado, Boulder
Michael Dubson  , University of Colorado, Boulder


Abstract: The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) is a new instrument designed to measure various facets of student attitudes and beliefs about learning physics.  This instrument extends the work done by the University of Maryland [1], University of California, Berkeley [3] and Arizona State University [2] by probing additional facets of student attitudes and beliefs.   It has been written to be suitably worded for students in a variety of different courses.  This poster introduces the CLASS, its design and validation studies which include analyzing results from over 2400 students, interviews and factor analyses.   Methodology used to determine categories and how to analyze the robustness of categories for probing various facets of student learning are also described.  We discuss a variety of applications here and in a companion poster.


  1. E. F. Redish et al, Am J Phys. 66, 212-224 (1998).

  2. Halloun et al,  Science and Education 7:6, 553-577 (1998)

  3. B. White et al, presented at the American Education Research Association., Montreal, 1999 (unpub).

Supported by NSF


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Evaluating and Using BEMA (Brief Electricity & Magnetism Assessment)


Lin Ding ( , North Carolina State University

Robert Beichner  , North Carolina State University

Ruth Chabay ( , North Carolina State University

Bruce Sherwood ( , North Carolina State University


Abstract: BEMA is a comprehensive multiple-choice test designed to assess students' mastery of fundamental concepts in electricity and magnetism after taking the calculus-based introductory E&M course [1]. We will present results of statistical studies that show that BEMA has good reliability, an important measure for evaluating a test, and we will briefly explain the reasons for doing such studies. BEMA has been used in previous comparisons of traditional and reform courses [2]. We plan to use BEMA in further studies in Spring 2004.


*Supported in part by NSF grant DUE-0320608.

  1. Qualitative Understanding and Retention. AAPT conference, Denver, Aug. 14, 1997. Contributed talk, Ruth Chabay and Bruce Sherwood.

  2. Matter & Interactions II: Electric & Magnetic Interactions. Ruth Chabay & Bruce Sherwood, Wiley 2002,

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Understanding the MPEX 'Expert': A Comparison with Traditional Physics Faculty


Elizabeth Gire ( ) , University of California, San Diego

Edward Price ( , University of California, San Diego

Barbara Jones  , University of California, San Diego


Abstract: Student responses on the Maryland Physics Expectations Survey (MPEX) are typically compared to an expert response. This expert response is a concurrence of results from N=19 PER-informed college faculty asked to respond to the survey items with the answers "they would prefer their students to give".[1] We have surveyed the faculty at a research university (many of whom are indifferent or antagonistic toward PER) to determine if the responses of general physics faculty are concurrent and aligned with the PER-informed 'expert' response. N=16 physics faculty members at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) were asked to fill out the MPEX in a the same manner as the MPEX expert group. This population of respondents represents a wider range of experience with PER than the calibration group; a majority have limited or no knowledge of results from the field. On nearly half the items, their responses did not converge with the MPEX expert response. While the average was closer to the average 'expert' response than reported results on students*, the range of individual faculty member's responses was large. We consider the implications of this result on measuring faculty pedagogical sophistication and understanding changes in student MPEX responses following instruction.


  1. Redish, et al.,  Am. J. Phys. 66, 212-224 (1998).

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A Conceptual Hierarchy of Lunar Phases?


Aaron Hines ( , Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville

Rebecca Lindell ( , Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville


Abstract: According to cognitive theory, to encourage the development of a scientific understanding, instructors need to be able determine if their students have a mental model of phenomena, how deeply rooted these mental models are, as well as how structured they are.  The majority of research to date has focused on the discovery of the different mental models of specific phenomena, as well as how deeply rooted these mental models are.  In this research project we utilized data obtained from the national field test of the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory (LPCI) to investigate the conceptual hierarchy across the eight different concept dimensions investigated by the LPCI by employing the psychometric theory of item response.  Item response theory (IRT) looks for patterns of item response based upon underlying latent traits typically total score. Rather than use the typical total score to estimate the latent trait, this research utilized the understanding of the different dimensions of lunar phases as the latent trait.  Preliminary results of this research will be reported.


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Eliciting and Representing Hybrid Mental Models


Zdeslav Hrepic ( , Kansas State University

Dean Zollman ( , Kansas State University

N. Sanjay Rebello ( , Kansas State University


Abstract: While constructing their understanding in various domains of physics, students go through transitional phases that may involve richly developed and consistently used mental models. These transitional models are unique cognitive structures composed of elements of both scientifically accepted and the most commonly used initial alternative models and have been previously referred to as hybrid models [1]. In this paper we discuss the main features of Linked Item Model Analysis (LIMA) - a novel method for eliciting and representing mental models in areas where hybrid models play a role in students’ learning.  We developed and applied the method in the domain of sound propagation.  We also present the LIMA-based assessment package for eliciting students’ mental models of sound propagation, consisting of tests in different contexts and associated spreadsheet-based software which are now available online for classroom use.


Supported in part by NSF Grant #  0087788.

  1. Hrepic, Z., D. Zollman, and S. Rebello. Identifying students' models of sound propagation. in 2002 Physics Education Research Conference. 2002. Boise ID: PERC Publishing.


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Development of an instrument for evaluating anxiety caused by cognitive conflict*


Yeounsoo Kim ( , The Ohio State University

Lei Bao  , The Ohio State University


Abstract: Physics learning situations often involve many cognitive conflicts between a student’s present understandings and new information being learned. Cognitive conflict is known as an important factor in conceptual change. Therefore, it is important to help physics teachers and students develop skills and knowledge for more effective conflict management. However there is no readily available method by which to identify the types of meaningful (constructive) cognitive conflict that students may have in their learning. We focus the study on the student anxiety caused by cognitive conflict so that we can improve student motivations in learning. This study is targeted to develop an easy-to-use instrument that can be implemented in classroom to monitor students’ status of their anxiety in cognitive conflict situations and the effects on students’ motivations in learning. We will show that this tool is useful for obtaining important information about the skills and procedures needed for effective conflict management in the physics laboratory like physics by inquiry.


This work was supported by Korea Research Foundation Grant. (KRF-2003-037- B00102)


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Using a Q-type assessment instrument to study correlation between teacher attitudes and student perceptions of physics laboratories


Yuhfen Lin ( , The Ohio State University

Dedra Demaree ( , The Ohio State University

Xueli Zou ( , California State University - Chico

Gordon Aubrecht ( , The Ohio State University


Abstract: A modified version of the Laboratory Program Variables Inventory (LPVI),[1]  a Q-type instrument originally developed to assess chemistry laboratories, has been used to study the correlation between instructor expectations and student descriptions. Careful study of the correlation among different classes shows that Q-type assessment is an effective tool for describing course types (as reported in a companion poster). Here we examine correlations between instructor expectations and student perceptions among different sections of the same course, as well as differences in student perceptions among the sections taught by the same instructor. This Q-type assessment tool may be used to diagnose problems in curriculum development and instructor education.


  1. M. R. Abraham, 'A descriptive instrument for use in investigating science laboratories,' Journal of Research in Science Teaching 19 (2) 155-165 (1982).


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Measuring Conceptual Change in College Students’ Understanding of Lunar Phases


Rebecca Lindell ( , Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville


Abstract: Researchers now know that college students enter the introductory astronomy classroom with pre-existing mental models of lunar phases.  If rooted deeply enough alternate mental models may actually impair an individual’s ability to learn a particular concept.  To teach the subject successfully, instructors need to encourage conceptual change.  To aid instructors in assessing individuals’ mental models of lunar phases, the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory (LPCI) was developed. This twenty-item multiple-choice inventory was designed to advantage of the innovative model analysis theory.  By using this theory in combination with the LPCI, an instructor can determine the probabilities of their class utilizing different mental models, as well as how consistently said mental models are utilized.  To assess conceptual change, an instructor can use the LPCI to assess student’s mental models both before and after instruction.  As an example of this technique, analysis of pre- and post-test LPCI results will be reported.



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Student “Splits” Between Intuition and Scientist Answers*


Timothy McCaskey ( , University of Maryland

Andrew Elby ( , University of Maryland


Abstract: Previous work showed that, on FCI items, students indicate that the answer they “really believe” often differs from the answer they think a scientist would give [1].  However, interviews revealed that these “splits” could not be cleanly interpreted:  sometimes they corresponded to a student’s intuition, sometimes not [2].  For this reason, and because intuition splits are epistemologically interesting in their own right, we modified the FCI task.  Students now indicate their 'scientist answer' and the answer that “makes the most intuitive sense” to them.  New interviews established that the modified task suffers from fewer interpretive difficulties.  In addition, evidence suggests that students reconcile concepts like Newton’s laws with their intuition more effectively if such reconciliation is an explicit goal of instruction.


* Supported by NSF grant #REC-0087519.

  1. T. McCaskey et al., 127th AAPT National Meeting (2003). 

  2. T. McCaskey et al., 128th AAPT National Meeting (2004).


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A Survey to Investigate Student Understanding of Quantum Tunneling


Jeffrey Morgan ( , University of Maine

Michael Wittmann ( , University of Maine


Abstract: Initial interviews on quantum tunneling with undergraduate physics majors[1] have revealed that a significant percentage of students (a) believe energy is lost in tunneling and (b) have difficulty sketching and interpreting the wave function in the region of a potential barrier, corroborating the findings of Bao[2] and others[3].  We have used these results to construct a survey designed to probe student conceptual understanding of tunneling through a symmetric square barrier.  The survey asks respondents to sketch the wave function in the region of a potential barrier, and to use their sketch to reason about both the probability of tunneling and the average energy of particles that have tunneled.  Further questions involve changes to the barrier or the particle energy.  We discuss the evolution of the survey design, as well as the responses of advanced undergraduate physics and engineering physics majors at the University of Maine during the 2002-03 and 2003-04 academic years.


[1], [2], [3] See Announcer Vol. 34, Summer 2004, pg. 172 for citations.


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Correlating student attitudes with student learning using the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey


Katherine Perkins ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Wendy Adams ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Steven Pollock  , University of Colorado, Boulder

Carl Wieman  , University of Colorado, Boulder

Noah Finkelstein  , University of Colorado, Boulder


Abstract: A number of instruments have been designed to probe the “hidden curriculum”[1], examining the variety of attitudes, beliefs, expectations, and epistemological frames taught in our introductory physics courses.  Using a newly developed instrument – the CLASS[2] – we examine the relationship among students’ attitudes and beliefs, their shifts over the course of a semester, and other educational outcomes, such as conceptual learning and student retention.  We report results from surveys of 2400 students in a variety of courses, including several designed to promote favorable student attitudes.  We find positive correlations between particular student attitudes and conceptual learning gains, and between student retention and favorable attitudes and beliefs in select categories.  We also note the influence of teaching practices on student attitudes.


  1. E. F. Redish, Teaching Physics with Physics Suite, Wiley 2003.

  2. W. Adams et al., The design and validation of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey, PERC 2004.


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Student understanding of Gauss' law of electricity


Chandralekha Singh ( , University of Pittsburgh

Paul Reilly ( , University of Pittsburgh


Abstract: We are investigating student difficulties and designing tutorials related to  Gauss' law in introductory calculus-based courses. Our investigation  includes interviews with individual students, development and administration  of free-response pre-/post-tests, and development of a conceptual  multiple-choice test.  Results of our investigation will be discussed.



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From students’ perspectives: A Q-type assessment instrument*


Xueli Zou ( , California State University - Chico

Dedra Demaree  , The Ohio State University

Yuhfen Lin  , The Ohio State University

Gordon Aubrecht  , The Ohio State University


Abstract: A Q-type instrument, the Laboratory Program Variables Inventory (LPVI)**, has been used to assess three possible different introductory physics laboratories: an investigative science learning laboratory at California State University, Chico (CSUC), Physics by Inquiry, and a regular calculus-based laboratory at The Ohio State University (OSU). The LPVI was originally developed to investigate three different laboratory formats—verification, guided inquiry, and open inquiry—used in college general chemistry courses. This poster will share LPVI’s data and data analyses obtained from those physics laboratories. The results provide us with insight about how the students perceive each laboratory learning environment and with feedback on further development of current curricula.


*Supported in part by NSF DUE # 0242845 and #0088906.

**M. R. Abraham, “A descriptive instrument for use in investigating science laboratories,” Journal of Research in Science Teaching 19 (2) 155-165


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Difficulties & Misconceptions (CP-DM)



Rate of Change and Electric Potential


Rhett Allain ( , North Carolina State University

Robert Beichner ( , North Carolina State University


Abstract: This project aims to investigate a possible underlying cause to student difficulties relating change of electric potential to electric field.  A likely source of difficulties is the lack of students' understanding of the general concept of rate of change (both rate of change in time and distance).  To investigate this link, a diagnostic was created that probed students' understanding of rate of change concepts and electric potential concepts.  This poster will report on the creation of the diagnostic instruments and results from student responses.



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Diminishing Forces – Implications of a Misconception


Alicia Allbaugh ( , Rochester Institute of Technology


Abstract: Evidence is presented to suggest a misconception concerning motion of an object when acted upon by a force which decreases with distance. This evidence was collected during interviews of several above average calculus-based physics students.  The students stated that the motion of an object would slow, even stop, if the force on decreased based upon its distance such as Coulomb’s Law.  This may not be surprising until viewed it in the light that many of these students didn’t reveal this impetus or Aristotelian notion except with diminishing forces.



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Assessing student understanding of wave amplitude and intensity


Lei Bao ( , The Ohio State University

Dedra Demaree ( , The Ohio State University


Abstract: Students often confuse wave amplitude and intensity.  They state that they see a wave peak at points of maximum interference.  In order to better assess this confusion, a waves questionnaire was given to 259 students during the 3rd quarter introductory calculus-based physics class at the Ohio State University just after all lecture instruction regarding wave interference and diffraction had been completed.  Although further study will be necessary to understand many of the student responses, several misconceptions were evident from the results.  Among these are that a large number of students believe that interference is purely destructive interference; many think that the eye can distinguish wave peaks and troughs; and most students think the wave peaks are points of highest intensity.   The detailed findings from the questionnaire will be reported in this poster.



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Student difficulties with graphical representation of vector products: crossing and dotting beyond t’s and i’s*


Warren Christensen ( , Iowa State University

Ngoc-Loan Nguyen ( , Iowa State University

David Meltzer ( , Iowa State University


Abstract: Recent research [1-3] has shown that students in introductory physics courses (both algebra- and calculus-based) have significant difficulty with the graphical representation of vectors.  In order to understand concepts such as work, torque, and magnetic force on a charged particle, students must have a coherent understanding of scalar products and vector products.  In the last two academic semesters we have been probing students’ understanding by the use of a six-question multiple-choice quiz. Early results indicate that 1/3 of students fail to recognize the fact that the scalar product of perpendicular vectors is zero. Another third of students fail to assign negative values to scalar products of two vectors with a vertex angle greater than 90 degrees.  Another intriguing aspect of this poster will be to highlight some significant findings concerning the self-selecting nature of a student sample when using an online medium.


*Supported in part by NSF REC #0206683

  1. R.D. Knight, Phys. Teach. 33, 74 (1995) 

  2. L.G. Ortiz, P.R.L. Heron, P.S. Shaffer, and L.C. McDermott, AAPT Announcer 31(4), 103 (2001) 

  3. N-L Nguyen and D.E. Meltzer, Am. J. Phys. 71, 630 (2003)


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Identifying student concepts of “gravity”


Roger E. Feeley ( , University of Maine

John R. Thompson  , University of Maine

Michael C. Wittmann  , University of Maine


Abstract: We have investigated student concepts of “gravity” among non-science majors, pre-service K-12 teachers, and high school students.    Both interview and survey questions were developed or modified from those in the literature [1, 2, 3].  Students were questioned on their reasoning about the behavior of objects on the surface of a planetary body (e.g., the Earth or the moon) and the causes of this behavior.    Results will be presented indicating that the survey successfully elicited student difficulties with various aspects of gravity, including the tendency to attribute gravity to the presence of an atmosphere, and to dissociate the concepts of gravity and weight.


[1], [2], and [3] See Announcer Vol. 34 p117 for citations.


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Student understanding of gravitational potential energy and moving objects


Michael Loverude ( , California State University - Fullerton


Abstract: We have been investigating student understanding of energy concepts in the context of introductory courses for non-science majors as well as those for science and engineering majors.  We have found that many students develop incomplete understandings of the concept of gravitational potential energy.  Moreover, students often make incorrect notions about the motion of bodies under the influence of gravity.  These incorrect beliefs may prevent the development of a coherent understanding of energy as a conserved quantity.  Examples will be presented of student responses to written questions and those posed in interviews.



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Student understanding of sound propagation:  Research and curriculum development


Katherine Menchen ( , University of Maine

John Thompson ( , University of Maine


Abstract: Our ongoing research involves exploring student understanding of sound and sound phenomena as part of the process of developing instructional materials to improve student learning, especially among preservice teachers.  Our current focus is on sound propagation.  We have previously reported, based on responses to written questions, that the concepts of propagation and resonance are not functionally distinguished by many students.[1]  More recent student interview data confirm this earlier work.  In addition, the interviews indicate student difficulties with certain properties of media or objects that are propagating sound.  We have been using our research results to develop curriculum that addresses the difficulties described above.  For example, establishing clear boundaries that distinguish between situations involving propagation and those involving resonance is an important step in resolving these issues.  We will discuss our findings, as well as how they have shaped the curriculum.


  1. K. VP. Menchen and J. R. Thompson, “Preservice teacher understanding of propagation and resonance in sound phenomena,” accepted for publication in 2003 PERC Proceedings


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Contrasts in student understanding of simple E&M questions in two countries


Cristian Raduta (

Gordon Aubrecht ( , The Ohio State University


Abstract: We administered a survey on electricity and magnetism to two populations of students: one from Ohio State University, the other from Bucharest University (Romania). The survey had two questions, each composed of multiple parts. One question invited use of Gauss’s Law in several different circumstances. Students answers to the Gauss’s Law question were disappointing. A bare majority could solve the simplest problem, that of the field inside a conductor. The other question asked about the force and trajectory of charged particles in regions of magnetic field. These questions rely on understanding the Lorentz force and on transfer of general knowledge from classical mechanics studied earlier. Mechanics knowledge learned earlier apparently does not transfer to E&M. Transfer of learning about electricity and magnetism in both countries apparently is less successful than we, as teachers, would have wished.



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General Interest (CP-GI)


Design-Based Research: A Primer for Physics-Education Researchers*


Richard Hake ( , Indiana University


Abstract: Some prominent education researchers now work in Pasteur’s interdisciplinary, use-inspired, basic-research quadrant doing what they call 'Design-Based Research' (DBR). After quoting descriptions of DBR by a few of its advocates, I discuss the insularity that has hidden DBR’s from PER’s  and PER’s from DBR’s. I then attempt to make the case that: (a) some PER is also DBR; (b) randomized control trials (RCT’s) - not generally a part of DBR - are not the 'gold standard' of educational research, as hailed by the U.S. Dept. of Education; (c) DBR might develop into a force sufficient to accelerate even the ponderous educational system: (d) the pre/post test movement, generally ignored by the education community, could be a major component of that reforming force; and (e) non-classical analyses of tests heretofore used primarily for pre/post testing might assist the understanding of 'transfer.'


Submitted to the AJP on 6/10/04; online as ref. 34 at


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Are physics graduate students’ beliefs about teaching and learning consonant?


Yuhfen Lin ( , The Ohio State University

Gordon Aubrecht ( , The Ohio State University


Abstract: Most physics graduate students teach as recitation or lab instructors in introductory physics courses at the same time they take graduate level courses. These students may or may not apply the same standards they expect in the courses they take to their own classes. We investigate whether they apply similar or distinct standards to these courses. This talk focuses on aspects of both teaching of and learning by OSU Physics Department graduate students as they have self-reported in a survey. What do they think teachers should do to help their students learn? What is their plan for their own teaching so that they could accomplish that goal? What is their expectation from their graduate study? What do they hope to gain from their graduate level courses?



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The Journal of Research in Science Teaching


Edward F. Redish ( , University of Maryland

J. Randy McGinnis ( , University of Maryland

Angelo Collins ( , Knowles Science Teaching Foundation


Abstract: As of January 2005, the Journal of Research in Science Teaching and Learning (JRST) will be under new editorship.  The new editors would particularly like to invite the discipline-based education research community to submit articles for publication in JRST.  Although the journal is read by both researchers and practitioners, the focus is on research progress rather than research-to-practice. Studies by the American Educational Research Journal and the Educational Researcher for the American Educational Research Association identified JRST as one of the top research journals in science education. Many types of scholarly manuscripts about research on science teaching and learning are within JRST's domain, including but not limited to: investigations, employing experimental, qualitative, ethnographic, historical, survey, philosophical, or case study research approaches; position papers; policy perspectives; and critical reviews of the literature. After January, all submissions and correspondence will be electronic, though the journal will continue to be published on paper.



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Instructional Practices (CP-IP)


Can inquiry experiences in physics class change students’ preconceptions about teaching?


Gordont Aubrecht ( , The Ohio State University


Abstract: In teaching inquiry classes in physics, we ask students to reflect on their learning in journals. One of the journal questions deals with student expectations of transfer of the inquiry techniques used in our class into their own classrooms when they become teachers themselves. We report on students’ answers to this question over our decade-long experience in running inquiry courses, which gives insight into how much or how little the students think the techniques are worth to themselves as both students and prospective teachers.



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Use of a hands-on lab exam to investigate how physics students transfer knowledge from lecture to the laboratory


Duane Deardorff ( , University of North Carolina


Abstract: For the past 4 years, an individual, hands-on lab exam has been administered to our introductory physics students.  As advertised to the students in their lab manual, the purpose of this exam is to assess each student's ability to make accurate measurements with typical physics laboratory instruments, analyze and interpret empirical data, apply fundamental physics principles, design simple experiments, evaluate results, analyze measurement errors, and clearly communicate findings.  These exams have generated a rich set of data that can be used to help answer a variety of research questions about how students make and analyze measurements.  Selected findings from this investigation will focus on students' abilities and difficulties in transferring knowledge from the lecture to the laboratory setting.



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Virtual Reality Experiments in Introductory Physics Laboratories


Dedra Demaree ( , The Ohio State University

Stephen Stonebraker  , The Ohio State University

Lei Bao  , The Ohio State University


Abstract: Physicists consider laboratories to be a vital part of any introductory course, yet students consistently rate them as having low value.  The Ohio State University (OSU) Physics Department has modified the current introductory calculus based Physics laboratories to include Virtual Reality (VR) experiments developed by the PER group at OSU.  These VR experiments, when implemented as a mix with traditional experiments, have the potential to improve upon many of the difficulties with traditional labs which cause student frustration.  This poster explores some of the specific reasons that standard introductory physics laboratories are not having the expected impact, and describes how the implementation of Virtual Reality based experiments improves upon these issues.  Student response to these experiments and preliminary results regarding their impact on student learning will also be discussed.



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Helping preservice teachers implement and assess research-based instruction in K-12 classrooms


Lezlie S. DeWater ( , University of Washington

Donna Messina ( , University of Washington

MacKenzie Stetzer ( , University of Washington


Abstract: The Physics Education Group at the University of Washington offers special academic-year physics courses for preservice mathematics and physics teachers.  The three-quarter sequence helps teachers develop an in-depth understanding of some of the important basic concepts they will be expected to teach.  The guided-inquiry pedagogical approach provides an opportunity for teachers to learn as they will be expected to teach.  As a result of the course, they also come to recognize some conceptual and reasoning difficulties commonly encountered by students.  A culmination of their experience is a teaching practicum in which the prospective teachers apply what they have learned in middle or high school classrooms.  Observations of the teachers as they design, teach, and assess their lessons contribute to our understanding of the type of preparation needed for them to be able to teach physics and physical science by inquiry.



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Can Computer Simulations Replace Real Equipment in Undergraduate Laboratories?


Noah Finkelstein ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Katherine Perkins ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Wendy Adams ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Patrick Kohl ( , University of Colorado, Boulder


Abstract: This poster examines the effects of substituting computer simulations in place of real laboratory equipment in the second semester of a large-scale introductory physics course.  The direct current (DC) circuit laboratory was modified to compare the effects of using computer simulations with the effects of using real light bulbs, meters and wires.  Three groups of students, those who used real equipment, those who used computer simulations, and those who had no lab experience, were compared in terms of their mastery of physics concepts and skills with real equipment.    Note the complete author list: N. D. Finkelstein, K. K. Perkins, W. Adams, P. Kohl, and N. Podolefsky



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Learning Physics by Listening to Children


Danielle Harlow ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Valerie Otero ( , University of Colorado, Boulder


Abstract: This study provides evidence to support the claim that prospective elementary teachers can deepen their understanding of physics through analysis of the 'physics talk' of elementary students.  Elementary Student Ideas (ESI) activities, one component of the Physics for Elementary Teachers (PET) curriculum*, are homework and in-class assignments in which prospective and practicing elementary teachers watch and analyze video clips of elementary children talking and learning about physics topics. By observing perspective and practicing elementary teachers engaged in ESI activities, we have recognized that these adult students not only learn to listen to children; they also benefit from reflecting on their own learning of physics content in the context of listening to and analyzing elementary children’s discourse about the same topics. In this study, we examine the role of ESI activities in the practicing and perspective teachers’ learning of physics content.


This project is supported by the National Science Foundation Grant #0096856.


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Evaluating Options for Combating Post-Exam Syndrome


Kathleen Harper ( , The Ohio State University

Matt Finnerty  , Case Western Reserve University

Robert W. Brown  , Case Western Reserve University


Abstract: A previous talk described exam correction assignments to assist students in using midterms as a learning tool.1  Preliminary results suggested that student learning resulted.  Some new studies strive to answer several subsequent questions:  Does learning result from the nature of the assignment, or from the students simply putting in additional time with the material?  Does working additional problems on a topic post-exam impact student learning of the material?  Does the way in which instructors present and/or explain the exam-correction steps have an impact on learning?  In the primary study, four parallel sections of a large course, after receiving back their graded exams, either did exam corrections, worked problems similar to the exam, or worked problems on new material.  All took a follow-up test on the same topics as the initial test.  The results from this study, and their implications for the issues described above, will be discussed.


  1. K. A. Harper & R. W. Brown, “A Treatment for Post-Exam Syndrome,” 128th AAPT National Meeting (2004).

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Teaching, Learning and PER: Views from Mainstream Faculty


Charles Henderson ( , Western Michigan University

Melissa Dancy ( , University of North Carolina - Charlotte


Abstract: Anecdotal evidence suggests that findings of educational research and resulting curricula are, at best, only marginally incorporated into introductory physics courses. We are working on a long-term project to provide the PER community with information that will facilitate the incorporation of research-based strategies and materials into mainstream physics instruction. In this talk, we will report on the pilot phase of this project which involved interviews with well respected and thoughtful senior faculty who are not part of the PER community. These interviews focus on their use of and attitudes towards PER and PER-based instructional strategies as well as their general beliefs about teaching and learning. Hypothesis will be made about some of the reasons why these instructors do not more fully incorporate PER into their instruction.



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Electrostatic  & Magnetism TIPERs*


Curtis Hieggelke ( , Joliet Junior College

Steve Kanim ( , New Mexico State University

David Maloney ( , Indiana University Purdue University - Fort Wayne

Thomas O'Kuma ( , Lee College


Abstract: This paper will illustrate materials from a collection of new instructional materials for the topics and concepts in electrostatics and magnetism. These materials can be used as classroom materials, quizzes or exam questions, or homework. These materials employ various TIPER (Tasks Inspired by Physics Education Research) formats that include: Ranking Tasks; Working Backwards Tasks; What, if anything, is Wrong Tasks; Qualitative Reasoning Tasks; Bar Chart Tasks; Conflicting Contentions Tasks; Linked Multiple Choice Tasks; Changing Representations Tasks; Meaningful, Meaningless Calculations Tasks; and other types of alternative task formats. The tasks are arranged into sets of issues that provide a way of asking similar or the same question in various ways. Such materials support active learning approaches, foster transfer of learning in the context of slightly different situations, and can be easily incorporated into current teaching formats without making major changes.


*Supported in part by CCLI grants # 9952735 and 0125831 from the Division of Undergraduate Education of the National Science Foundation


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Using The Schema Conceptual Tool To Promote Student Understanding Of Newton’s 3rd Law


Brant Hinrichs ( , Drury University


Abstract: The Modeling Instruction program at Arizona State University has developed a conceptual tool, called a Schema, to help students make a first level of abstraction of a real physical situation.  A schema consists of identifying and labeling all objects of interest from a given physical situation, as well as the different types of interactions between the objects.  Given all the relevant objects and their interactions, students can explicitly identify which are part of their system and which are not, and then go on to model the interactions effecting their choice of system as either (i) mechanisms for energy transfer, or (ii) forces being exerted.  In this poster, I describe the Schema tool, give examples of its use in the context of forces, and present some evidence on its effectiveness in helping student understand the 3rd law using the 3rd law questions from the FCI as my measure of effectiveness.



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Representational Format, Student Choice, and Problem Solving in Physics


Patrick Kohl ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Noah Finkelstein ( , University of Colorado, Boulder


Abstract: Student problem-solving ability appears to be tied to the representational format of the problem (mathematical, pictorial, graphical, verbal).   In a study of a 367-student algebra-based physics class, we examine student problem solving ability on quizzes involving four different representational formats, with problems as close to isomorphic as possible.  In addition, we examine students’ capacity for representational self-assessment by giving follow-up quizzes in which they can choose between various problem formats, and look for factors that may influence their ability or choices.  As a control, part of the class was assigned a follow-up quiz with a random format, allowing a comparison with the group provided with a choice.  We find that there are statistically significant performance differences between isomorphic problems.  We also find that allowing students to choose which representational form they use increases student performance under some circumstances, and reduces it in others.



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In class polling: An instant feedback of students learning mode


Pengfei Li ( , The Ohio State University

Neville Reay ( , The Ohio State University

Lei Bao ( , The Ohio State University


Abstract: At The Ohio State University, Voting Machine (VM), an in-class polling system was used as an effective lecture instrument to teach students in an introductory electromagnetism class. A sequence of three questions (basic, intensive, extensive) was chosen as a useful tool to trigger the student into learning mode. In this talk, we will discuss the methods and the results of our numerical analysis and examples of student behavior patterns extracted from such analysis.


Supported in part by NSF grant # REC-0087788 and REC-0126070


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Attitudes of General Science Students  Towards Learning Science and the Nature of Science


Jeff Marx ( , McDaniel College

Shabbir Mian ( , McDaniel College

Vasilis Pagonis ( , McDaniel College


Abstract: We investigated general science students’ attitudes regarding the acquisition of scientific knowledge and the nature of science itself, by administering a 32-item survey combining and expanding on the Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Physical Science (EBAPS) and the Maryland Physics Expectations Survey (MPEX). The survey authors (Laura Lising and Andy Elby, with Priscilla Laws and David Jackson) constructed their tool around five epistemological clusters – the organization of scientific knowledge, accruement of new knowledge, relationship between classroom science and the real world, evolution of scientific knowledge, and connections between assiduity and understanding [1]. To assemble a representative array of epistemological attitudes, we involved nearly 300 students from eighteen sections of three general science courses (A World of Light and Color; Astronomy; and Sound, Music and Hearing). We characterized the instructional styles for each course using three broad categories: traditional, transitional, and learning-centered. This poster will focus on the impact the different instructional styles had on students’ epistemological belief clusters. In particular, we will highlight the effect of converting one of the courses (A World of Light and Color) from a transitional to learning-centered environment.


  1. See and

Funded by the NSF and McDaniel College’s Ira Zepp Teaching Enhancement Grant


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Gender Equity Variations in a Large Active-Learning Introductory Physics Course


Mark McKinnon ( , University of California, Davis


Abstract: At the University of California at Davis, the introductory physics course for life science majors has been employing an active-learning approach since 1996. Currently, more than 1400 students begin this course each year.  One of the surprising developments has been the significant improvement in gender equity over the traditional physics sequence.  We are now focusing more attention on utilizing student performance to quantitatively explore a broad range of issues related to active-learning approaches and the role that they play in gender equity.  In class, small groups of five to six students team to complete activities designed to elicit discussion about physical concepts.  As the activities were annually modified, opinions differ on the effectiveness of each variation. I used two variations of laboratory activities, one less formulaic than the other.  I will present findings of the relative gender equity as measured by quiz performance of these variations.



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Transfer of Teaching: an Experiment of Opportunity


Robert A. Morse (

H. Wells Wulsin ( , Harvard University


Abstract: To what extent can an experienced teacher’s interactive engagement physics curriculum, developed over many years, be taken over by a teacher with only a few year’s experience? A sabbatical leave for the first author provided an opportunity to try the experiment. The first author gave course materials and daily plan book used for introductory physics and AP Physics C to the second author, along with some mentoring both in person and by email. The second author, with two years of teaching experience adapted and used the materials “on the fly.” FCI scores and gains and personal statements from both teachers will be presented.



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Helping students learn to design experiments in a large-enrollment introductory laboratory course*


Sahana Murthy ( , Rutgers University

Eugenia Etkina ( , Rutgers University


Abstract: The Physics and Astronomy Education group at Rutgers University is working on helping students develop scientific abilities that are used by experts in the process of research. This poster, as a part of that project, focuses on the ability to design experiments. We devised carefully structured laboratory tasks where students have to design an experiment to test a hypothesis or to solve a practical problem. We implemented these tasks in a large-enrollment introductory physics laboratory class (450 students). To reliably assess the development of scientific abilities, we created and tested scoring rubrics. We will show detailed examples of our design tasks and scoring rubrics, and samples of student responses scored with the rubrics. We discuss the improvement in students’ abilities over the period of one semester, and examine the relationship between the development of students’ scientific abilities and their performance on exams in the physics course.


* Supported in part by NSF grant #DUE-0241078.

  1. Etkina, E. (2004). 'Developing and Assessing scientific abilities in an introductory physics course', AAPT Announcer, Vol. 33 (4), p. 85 (2004).


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No single cause: learning gains, student attitudes, and the impacts of multiple effective reforms in a large lecture course.


Steven Pollock ( , University of Colorado, Boulder


Abstract: We examine the effects of, and interplay among, several proven research-based reforms implemented in an introductory large enrollment (500+) calculus based physics course. These interventions included Peer Instruction with student response system in lecture[1], Tutorials[2] with trained undergraduate learning assistants in recitations, and personalized computer assignments[3]. We took extensive survey data throughout the semester along with validated pre/post content- and attitude-surveys, and long answer pre/post content questions designed to assess learning gains and near transfer, to investigate complementary effects of these multiple reforms, and to begin to understand which features are necessary and effective for high fidelity replication. Our median normalized gain was 0.67 on the FCI , 0.76 on the FMCE, yet we find we cannot uniquely associate these gains with any individual (isolated) course components. We see no decline in self-reported student attitudes, but do find that attitudes and attitude shifts both correlate positively with conceptual learning gains.


  1. Peer Instruction, E. Mazur

  2. Tutorials in Introductory Physics, McDermott and Shaffer

  3. and 

Work supported by Pew/Carnegie, NSF, and APS PhysTec


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Teacher and Curriculum Factors that Influence Middle School Students' Sense-Making Discussions of Force/Motion


Cody Sandifer ( , Towson State University


Abstract: This study investigated small-group discussions in an inquiry-based middle school science classroom. The purpose of the study was to determine the teacher and curriculum factors that provide support (or not) for students' sense-making discussions. To do this, two student groups were videotaped as they participated in force/motion activities. Analysis revealed that sense-making discussion was influenced by teacher adherence (or not) to the curriculum philosophy, activity content, teacher and curricular guidance for the continuing evolution of student ideas, and other teacher and curriculum factors.



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The Role of Evaluation Abilities in Student Learning & Performance


Aaron Warren ( , Rutgers University

Alan Van Heuvelen ( , Rutgers University


Abstract: This poster presents research which is part of a larger initiative by the Rutgers University PAER group to help students develop scientific thinking abilities.  In particular, we focus on developing abilities which are necessary for students to critically evaluate information.  Such information can include proposed problem solutions, conceptual statements, experiment designs, and experiment reports.  To develop and assess evaluative strategies among students, we are creating and testing a wide range of activities.  This poster presents some examples of these activities, outlines several types of evaluative strategies students can use, and examines some preliminary results regarding the role various evaluative strategies play in student learning and performance.


Supported in part by NSF grant #DUE-0336713 and #DUE-02410781


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Student Participation in Normative Behaviors in a Physics for Elementary Teachers (PET) Classroom*


Benjamin Williams ( , San Diego State University


Abstract: The Physics for Elementary Teachers (PET) curriculum is designed to encourage normative classroom behaviors such as respect for every student's contribution, requiring evidence to support any claim made, and student responsibility for individual learning.  The design of this curriculum is informed by research demonstrating that students actively construct individual understandings in a social context.  Instructors play a pivotal role in the development of normative behaviors by both modeling desired behaviors and by explicitly discussing these behaviors with students.  Analysis of video data taken in one PET classroom yields a timeline showing increasing active student participation in the desired normative behaviors.  This poster outlines the results of this analysis.


*Supported by NSF Grant ESI-0138900


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Modeling Student Thinking (CP-MT)


Generated Analogies as Assertions of Categorization


Leslie Atkins ( , University of Maryland


Abstract: One could consider the appropriate use of analogy to be the epitome of transfer; indeed, research in transfer frequently concerns whether or not an analogy is mapped onto the desired target (e.g., Gick and Holyoak, 1980).  Understanding analogies that students draw, then, is an important part of understanding the idea behind transfer.  The focus on analogy research in science education and cognitive science, however, has primarily concerned how students interpret (or fail to interpret) analogies with which they have been presented.  Such a focus misses features of analogy that occur when students spontaneously draw analogies.  The research presented in this poster concerns the generation of analogies by students in science classrooms and presents a framework for understanding them.  In this framework, analogies are assertions of categorization and transfer may be better interpreted as an act of appropriate categorization.



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Active versus passive learning


Florin Bocaneala ( , The Ohio State University

Lei Bao ( , The Ohio State University


Abstract: Almost everybody agrees that the students who are actively involved in structuring their study environment, who investigate their study matter by selecting and formulating their own questions, perform better. Is this circumstantial correlation? What is the dynamics behind increased performance and active involvement in learning? In order to address this questions, the authors present herein a theoretical model that allows the comparison between the active and passive learning styles.



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Concerning Scientific Discourse about Heat


David Brookes (

George Horton 

Alan Van Heuvelen  , Rutgers University

Eugenia Etkina  , Rutgers University


Abstract: We aim to examine communication in physics from a linguistic perspective and suggest a theoretical viewpoint  which may enable us to explain and understand many physics students’ alternative conceptions. We present evidence, in the  context of the concept of heat, that physicists seem to speak and write about physical systems with a set of one or more  systematic metaphors. These metaphors are well understood in their community. We argue that physics students appear to  be prone to misinterpreting and overextending the same metaphors and that these misinterpretations exhibit themselves as  students’ alternative conceptions or misconceptions. A detailed analysis of physicists’ discourse about heat will be used  to present evidence of a possible connection between students’ alternative conceptions and the possibility that they are  misinterpreting the metaphorical language that they read and hear.



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Introductory College Students’ Explanations of Friction and Related Phenomena at the Microscopic Level


Edgar Corpuz ( , Kansas State University

N. Sanjay Rebello ( , Kansas State University


Abstract: Introductory college physics students’ explanations of friction and lubrication were investigated by conducting semi-structured clinical interviews. Interview questions were constructed in a way that students were led to explain phenomena that they observed at the atomic level. Analysis of data showed that students were able to come up with their own explanations of what is happening at the atomic scale when surfaces come into contact, although these explanations are not necessarily scientifically correct.  It was apparent that students tended to explain phenomena at the atomic level by using attributes of macroscopic objects (e.g. by visualizing atoms as balls students tended to associate attributes of real balls to that of atoms). Results of the study will serve as a basis to design teaching interviews to help students construct more scientifically correct microscopic models of friction and lubrication.


Supported in part by NSF Grant REC-0133621.


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Evidence of Transfer in Interview Data


Paula Engelhardt ( , Kansas State University


Abstract: Transfer is the ability to utilize what one has learned previously in new situations. This paper will explore evidence of transfer by one student during the course of a single interview.  The transcript will be analyzed from two perspectives: the actor-oriented model of transfer developed by Joanne Lobato and the Kansas State University Physics Education Research Group’s framework.


This project has been supported in part by NSF grant REC-0133621.


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Model What you Preach: Explicitly Articulated Interactions for Transfer of Concepts by Physics Graduate Teaching Assistants


Cathy Ezrailson (


Abstract: This study used both quantitative and qualitative methods to gain an understanding, gleaned from examining, on several measures, the effects of explicit graduate teaching assistant training on GTA beliefs about the nature of physics and physics problem solving.   In the treatment group, also examined were students’ 1) conceptual grasp of the basic principles of force and motion as they problem solved in cooperative groups during recitation, 2) attempts to become more expert-like in building solution models of complex problem scenarios and 3) the process of learning transfer, during interactions between GTA-student and student-to-student.    Transfer of learning can occur explicitly, implicitly and accidentally.  The challenge is to be able to assess the process and positive aspects when it occurs.


This study synthesized active engagement strategies based on definitive prior research, e.g.: Heller, Keith & Anderson, 1992; MacIsaac & Falconer, 2002; Minstrell, 2001; Hake, 1998, and many others.


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Transfer between Paired Problems


Kara Gray ( , Kansas State University

N. Sanjay Rebello ( , Kansas State University


Abstract: Student reasoning was originally thought to be fairly stable.  It has now become clear that students’ ideas are not nearly as stable as originally thought.  The question now has become just how unstable are students’ ideas and what things can influence these ideas.  This paper will cover a small portion of a larger study designed to address this question.  An interview over basic mechanics questions will be used to show how the questions themselves influence the student’s answer to the questions.  Based on this transcript and other data collected during the study, students’ ideas appear to be influenced not only by their experiences and the context presented in the question, but also by the context of the question. This analysis was done based on a new model of transfer called the actor-oriented transfer model developed by Joanne Lobato.  This new model will also be discussed in the paper.


Supported in part by NSF Grants REC-0087788 and REC-0133621.


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Transfer: the advantage of simple symbols


Andrew Heckler ( , The Ohio State University

Jennifer Kaminski ( , The Ohio State University

Vladimir Sloutsky ( , The Ohio State University


Abstract: One of the goals of successful learning is transfer, or the ability to apply acquired knowledge outside the learning situation.  However, spontaneous transfer is notoriously difficult to achieve even for relatively simple knowledge.  One important issue is whether it is better to learn concrete or abstract knowledge first. This research argues that transfer of learning across domains can be facilitated when knowledge is expressed in an abstract, generic form.  In two experiments, undergraduate students learned two isomorphic domains, based on the same algebraic group. The 'math' domain was expressed in a more abstract, generic form, whereas the 'science' domain was expressed in a more concrete form.  In both experiments, transfer from more abstract to more concrete was greater than the reverse.  In addition, Experiment 2 indicated that the use of concrete symbols may hinder learning.  This research supports the point of view that learning mathematics facilitates learning science. It argues that while there may be learning benefits in using concrete materials for instruction, the learning costs are substantial, thus suggesting the need for a radical rethinking of how mathematics and science is taught.



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Sample Exams and Transfer in Introductory Mechanics


Carol Koleci ( , Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Charles Chretien ( , Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Warren Turner ( , Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Abstract: We report on a continuing study at Worcester Polytechnic Institute concerning the use of sample exams to promote transfer in introductory mechanics.  Do sample exam problems have to be easier or more difficult than the actual exam questions in order for students to demonstrate improved conceptual understanding?  Previous exam data has been reported at past AAPT meetings, including last year’s Physics Education Research Conference.  A review of these data, in addition to qualitative analysis of survey responses, will be provided.



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Alternative conceptions, memory, & mental model in physics education


Gyoungho Lee ( , Seoul National University

Jiyeon Park 

Yeonsoo Kim 

Lei Bao  , The Ohio State University


Abstract: There are two somewhat independent research traditions, which converge to suggest a form of knowledge representation: alternative conceptions and mental model. However we have little literature that explains what they are different from each other and from memory. This study tried to describe theoretical issues with some thoughts about how cognitive science and science education approaches can be best synthesized in order to approach these questions.


This work was supported by Korea Research Foundation Grant (KRF-2003-042-B00165)


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Investigating Students' Knowledge of Particle Structure of Matter in Different Cultures


Cui Lili ( , Kansas State University

Dean Zollman ( , Kansas State University

N. Sanjay Rebello ( , Kansas State University


Abstract: This study is in the early stages of an investigation of students’ models of the structure of matter. Initially, we will compare results for students in three different countries. We will administer a questionnaire, developed by Silke Melkelskis-Seifert in Germany, which includes Likert scale and open-ended questions. This questionnaire focuses on understanding students’ models of matter at the microscopic level, such as the existence of very small particles, particular/continuous structure of matter, three (solid, liquid and gaseous) states and their relationship, density of matter, etc. The survey will be administered in North America, Europe and East Asia. Follow-up interviews will help us understand the models underlying students’ responses.



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Student Descriptions of Refraction and Optical Fibers


Fran Mateycik ( , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

DJ Wagner ( , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

JJ Rivera 

Sybillyn Jennings ( , Sage College


Abstract: This paper reports our research into how students describe and think about optical fibers and the physical phenomena of refraction and total internal reflection (TIR) basic to their operation.  The study was conducted as part of the improvement and expansion of web-based materials for an innovative Rensselaer introductory physics course [1] which examines the physics underlying information technology.  As we developed the prototype module, we examined students' understanding of the phenomena of refraction, TIR, and optical fibers through the use of clinical interviews.  As students discussed refraction and tried to explain how optical fibers work, several patterns emerged. Our analysis of these patterns drives our assessment of the effectiveness of the revised materials in addressing students' transfer of learning as well as the development of a multiple-choice diagnostic tool.  This paper presents our categorizations of student responses and discusses how we are modifying our materials to address these findings.


Materials found at


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Transfer of Learning from Trigonometry to Physics


Darryl Ozimek ( , Kansas State University

Paula V. Engelhardt ( , Kansas State University

N. Sanjay Rebello ( , Kansas State University


Abstract: We investigated students’ learning, retention, and transfer from a trigonometry course to an algebra–based physics course.  A multiple–choice survey was administered as a pre–instruction and post–instruction assessment.  The survey consisted of questions pairs, abstract (mathematics) and conceptual (physics) questions at three hierarchical levels of thinking.  Three semi–structured interviews used graduated–prompting to determine the ease at which students transfer what they have learned from mathematics (abstract) questions to similar physics (contextual) questions.  Results indicate that students’ thinking of trigonometric concepts occurs at different levels.  Concepts at lower levels are retained and transferred to a greater degree than higher level concepts.  Transfer was assessed from the perspectives of both the traditional as well as the contemporary models of transfer.  This study has implications for instruction of both trigonometry and physics as well as suggestions for improving transfer of learning from one area to another.


Supported in part by NSF Grant DUE–0206943.


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Analogical Scaffolding of Abstract Ideas in Physics


Noah Podolefsky ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Wendy Adams ( , University of Colorado, Boulder

Noah Finkelstein ( , University of Colorado, Boulder


Abstract: Physicists commonly use analogies to ground their understanding of abstract physics concepts. Textbooks, for example, often use water waves as an analogy for sound waves. This poster explores the notion of using substance based1 analogies (analogies based on experience with material substances and objects) to scaffold student understanding of more abstract concepts in physics. We examine one way students use analogies in one grounded domain to build analogical models in another more abstract domain. In preliminary studies of the process of analogical scaffolding, students were interviewed while using the Physics Education Technology2 (PhET) computer simulations of sound and radio waves. Some students used the sound waves simulation followed by radio waves. Other students saw the simulations in the reverse order. Our model of analogical scaffolding along with data from interviews of students will be presented.


  1. Reiner M,Slotta J,Chi M,Resnick L(2000).Naïve Physics Reasoning: A Commitment to Substance-Based Conceptions. Cognition and Instruction,18(1),1-34. 

Supported by the Kavli Foundation and the NSF.


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Learning and knowledge transfer between physics problems


David Pritchard ( , Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Elsa-Sofia Morote  , Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Rasil Warnakulasooriya  , Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Abstract: We compare two equally skilled groups who solve pairs of tutorial and related problems in introductory mechanics at MIT using the web-based tutor, myCyberTutor. The two groups solve the problems in reverse order with respect to each other. The group that solves the tutorials first experiences twice as large a reduction in difficulty per unit of time spent on the tutorial problem as the other group experiences on the tutorial due to solving the related problem first. The time for completion graphs provides confirmatory analysis-preparatory problems reduce the time necessary to solve the following problem. Further evidence is obtained by analyzing the use of hints between the two related problems. The group which solves a problem in a given problem-pair first requests more hints than the group which solves it second and benefits from these hints in answering the second problem in the pair. We conclude that learning and knowledge transfer is better facilitated through a tutorial-first approach than by a problem-first approach. We find evidence of schema acquisition and support the cognitive theory of feedback as a form of information that helps students in physics learning.



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Multiple Representations:  A Quantitative Study on Students Use of Free-Body Diagrams in Large Lecture Classes.*


David Rosengrant ( , Rutgers University

Alan Van Heuvelen ( , Rutgers University

Eugenia Etkina ( , Rutgers University


Abstract: The Rutgers PAER group is working to help students develop various scientific abilities.  One of the abilities is to create, understand and learn to use for a qualitative reasoning and problem solving different representations of physical processes such as pictorial representations, motion diagrams, free body diagrams, and energy bar charts. Physics education literature indicates that using multiple representations is beneficial for student understanding of physics ideas and for problem solving.  This poster investigates three issues: a) are students who use free-body diagrams to solve traditional problems more successful then those who do not; b) do students who use free-body diagrams in mechanics continue to use them in other areas of physics; and c) are students consistent in using free body diagrams correctly in these different conceptual areas.


Supported in part by NSF grants DUE 0241078, DUE 0336713


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Student Learning of Quantum Mechanics


Homeyra Sadaghiani ( , The Ohio State University

Lei Bao ( , The Ohio State University


Abstract: Quantum physics is an abstract topic that not only deals with the inaccessible venues and concepts of the microscopic world, but also requires a certain degree of mathematical skill.  In this study, we aim to determine the most important skills and concepts that can enhance students’ performance in a quantum mechanics class.  We would like to know, for example, if a relationship exists between particular math skills and understanding of quantum mechanics.  In this talk we will discuss the research findings with specific examples.


Supported in part by NSF grant # REC-0087788 and REC-0126070


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The Structure of Intermediate Mechanics Students' Physics and Mathematics Intuitions


Eleanor C Sayre ( , University of Maine

Michael C Wittmann ( , University of Maine


Abstract: As part of ongoing research into cognitive processes and student thought, we investigate the structure of physics and mathematics intuitions in intermediate mechanics students. Students compared various damped and undamped harmonic motions using both differential equations and verbal descriptions of physical systems. We present evidence from a reformed sophomore-level mechanics class which contains both tutorial [1] and lecture components. Preliminary data suggest that mathematics and physics intuitions, even in intermediate students, are poorly linked and occasionally lead to conflicting predictions.


  1. Bradley S. Ambrose, 'Investigating student understanding in intermediate mechanics: Identifying the need for a tutorial approach to instruction,' Am. J. Phys. 72 (4), 453-459 (2004).


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Students’ conceptions about probability in a double-slit experiment for electrons and potential well problems


Pornrat Wattanakasiwich ( , Oregon State University

Kenneth Krane ( , Oregon State University


Abstract: Understanding probability is critical in making sense of quantum physics. A few studies have been done in the area of modern physics, which were involved with students’ understanding of probability or even higher level concepts of QM. In order to study students’ conception of probability, we have been investigating students’ understanding as revealed in three contexts—mathematical/classical probability, a double-slit experiment for electrons, and potential well problems. We conducted a two-tier diagnostic test and two interviews with students who were taking a modern physics class. The results from a diagnostic test and both interviews were compared to determine what perspectives of probability concepts that students were able to transfer between these three different contexts.



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What changes occur during conceptual change?


Michael Wittmann ( , University of Maine


Abstract: In their 1998 paper, diSessa & Sherin [1] answer the question 'what changes in conceptual change?' by introducing the idea of coordination classes. These consist of readout strategies for gathering information about a situation and causal nets of activated resources that generate thinking in a situation. Several types of conceptual change have been described in the literature (e.g., incremental, wholesale, cascade, dual construction [2]). All can be described using coordination classes. In this poster, I illustrate each form of conceptual change schematically and suggest other possibile forms of conceptual change that may play a role in student learning of physics.


  1. diSessa, A. A., and Sherin, B. L. (1998). What changes in conceptual change. International Journal of Science Education, 20(10), 1155-1191.

  2. Demastes, S., Good, R. , Peebles, P. (1996). Patterns of conceptual change in evolution. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(4), 407-431.


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Physics Teachers' Studying Students' Perceptions Required For Transfer


Edit Yerushalmi ( , Weizmann Institute

Bat Sheva Eylon ( , Weizmann Institute

Rachel Seggev ( , Weizmann Institute


Abstract: Transfer is a central goal for problem solving, though it spans from transferring procedures within a finite set of similar “end of chapter problems” to developing independent learning skills. Students' perceptions regarding knowledge and learning are an important factor in achieving transfer goals. Teachers that renew their instruction methods to achieve these goals have to become more attentive to such students' perceptions. We conducted a cooperative inquiry workshop to support teachers that renew their instruction to develop students' independent learning skills in physics problems solving.  In this paper, we describe how teachers raise issues related to students’ perceptions of knowledge and learning, as well as the development of a questionnaire examining these issues, designed by both the teachers and the researchers. We present findings from the analysis of the questionnaire and look at how the teachers’ thinking was reformulated as a result of the process to influence their instruction.



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Physics Teachers' Studying Students' Perceptions Required For Transfer


Karen Cummings ( , Southern Connecticut State University

Edward Grillo , Weizmann Institute


Abstract: In this paper we explore students’ pre-instruction knowledge of conceptual and procedural pieces of knowledge that we believe are prerequisite to one’s ability to generate correct light ray diagrams. We do so within the domain of image formation by a plane mirror. In addition, we follow students as they transition between various states of understanding using “dynamic assessment” techniques. That is, we probe student understanding as it develops- throughout instruction-rather than only pre- and post-instruction. The research population is students in an algebra-based, introductory physics course at a medium-sized, urban, public university.



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Technology in Research & Teaching (CP-TR)


A Web-based Tool for the Analysis of Concept Inventory Data


Joseph Beuckman ( , Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville

Rebecca Lindell ( , Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville

Scott Franklin ( , Rochester Institute of Technology


Abstract: Computing technology now makes possible previously impractical methods of analyzing student assessment data beyond the traditional 'total average score' approach.  Our new, web-based tool will allow researchers in any location to upload their data and quickly download a complete analysis report.  Analyses eventually included with this tool will be basic test statistics, Model Analysis Theory results, concept structure analysis, Traditional Item Analysis, Concentration Item Analysis, pre and post test comparison, including the calculations of gains, normalized change and effect size. The tool currently analyzes data from the Lunar Phases Concept Inventory (LPCI).  It will be expanded to analyze data from other commonly utilized concept inventories in the PER community and, eventually, from user-designed and uploaded conceptual domains and inventories.  In this poster, we will discuss the development of this analysis tool, as well as present our results to date.  Instructors and researchers are encouraged to use the latest version of the analysis tool via our website.



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Feedback with web-based homework and PADs


Scott Bonham ( , Western Kentucky University


Abstract: The Physics Applets for Drawing (PADs) allow students to interactively make graphs and other physics diagrams on the Web and have them evaluated.  PADs are able evaluate qualitative as well as quantitative drawings and to give customized feedback.  These features greatly expand the range of exercises possible in a web-based homework system and make the latter more able to support research-based curricula.  While feedback is important in ensuring proper transfer of learning, it is a challenge to provide enough feedback so that students do not become stuck and frustrated while at the same time not so much that it enables students to avoid thinking, particularly in an on-line environment.  In this paper six different approaches to computer-based feedback are discussed along with how PADs could be used the different approaches.  Participants are invited to discuss and make suggestions as to how PADs could be best used to support research-based curricula.


Sponsored by National Science Foundation under grant DUE-0231353.


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Computerized interactive problem-solving coaches


Leon Hsu ( , University of Minnesota

Ken Heller ( , University of Minnesota


Abstract: Computers can play an important role in physics instruction by coaching students to develop good problem-solving skills.  Building on previous research on the teaching  of problem solving and on computer-student interactions, we are designing computer tutorials that provide students with guided practice in solving problems.  We present a prototype of a tutorial along with students’ reactions to it and discuss some preliminary results regarding the transfer of problem-solving skills from the computer tutorials to pencil-and-paper.



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Student difficulties with computer modeling: using protocol data to revise instruction


Matthew Kohlmyer ( , North Carolina State University

Ruth Chabay ( , North Carolina State University

Bruce Sherwood ( , North Carolina State University


Abstract: Computer modeling, an important skill in modern physics research, is emphasized by the Matter & Interactions (1) introductory physics curriculum.  Students in this curriculum write computer programs that model a wide variety of physical systems using an iterative application of fundamental physics principles.  In order for students to be able to do this successfully, instructors must know the difficulties students have in learning computer modeling.  Based on results from a think-aloud  protocol study in Spring 2003 at NC State, instructional materials were  designed and implemented at the beginning of the Fall 2003 semester.  A second think-aloud protocol was then conducted to search for qualitative differences and similarities in students' difficulties and reasoning processes while engaged in computer modeling.  Results of this study and how they affect the future instructional revision cycle for Matter & Interactions will be presented.


  1. Chabay, R. & Sherwood, B. Matter & Interactions, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.


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Toward an effective use of voting machines in physics lectures


Neville Reay ( , The Ohio State University

Lei Bao ( , The Ohio State University

Pengfei Li ( , The Ohio State University

Rasil Warnakulasooriya (rasil@MIT.EDU) , Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Abstract: “Voting Machines” (VM) is a generic name for wireless-keypad in-class polling systems used by students to answer multiple-choice questions during lectures. Use of VM with carefully designed sequences of multiple-choice questions and instantaneous voting summaries improved classroom dynamics and rapidly guided students through a step-by-step process of assimilating concepts  in the electricity and magnetism quarter of a year-long beginning physics course.    Raw and analyzed results, class surveys and sample question sequences will be presented for two lecture sections, one in which students voted in groups and the other in which they voted as individuals



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A Study of Student Use of an Online Message Board in an Introductory Physics Class


Wenjuan Song ( , Mississippi State University

Taha Mzoughi ( , Mississippi State University

Anastasia Elder ( , Mississippi State University


Abstract: We investigated the use of an online message board by students in an Introductory Calculus-based physics course. The paper will describe the student population, the format of the course taught, the type of messages posted by the students and the message board used. The study includes correlational analysis between the number of the various kinds of messages posted by the students, and the student performance in homework, tests and overall course grade. Further data provides insight on student beliefs about the use of message board.



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Using Electronic Interviews to Explore Student Understanding


DJ Wagner ( , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

JJ Rivera 

Fran Mateycik ( , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Sybillyn Jennings ( , Sage College


Abstract: This paper reports on methods used to probe student understandings of optical fibers and total internal reflection (TIR).  The study was conducted as part of the expansion and improvement of web-based materials for an innovative introductory physics course.  Development of these materials includes the refining of multiple-choice diagnostic questions by examining preconceptions and misconceptions commonly held by students.  Initially, we conducted face-to-face Piaget-style interviews with a convenience sample.  Our next step was to interview students taking the course at Rensselaer.  Physical limitations necessitated that this be done from a distance, so we conducted “e-interviews” using a Chat Room.  In this paper we focus on the e-interview experience, discussing similarities to and differences from the traditional face-to-face approach.  In the process, we address how each method informs us about students’ activation of prior experiences in making sense of unfamiliar phenomena (e.g., “transfer of learning”).



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Time for completion curves for physics problems


Rasil Warnakulasooriya ( , Massachusetts Institute of Technology

David Pritchard  , Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Abstract: Using myCyberTutor, a web-based homework tutor, we study how long it takes students to complete a given physics problem completely and correctly. We identify three major groups of students in completing a given problem. The students who were able to solve the problem quickly (< 2.5 min), we hypothesize are able to solve it through some insight or having worked it out previously. The major group of students who completes the problem (in 2.5 min to 2 hours) often uses hints and feedback. The third group takes over several hours, generally days. We hypothesize that they obtain help outside myCyberTutor. The middle part of the graphs (typically 2 min to 2 hours) of the fraction of students completing a given problem as a function of logarithmic time yields sigmoid curves as is often seen in the psychology literature. The sigmoid shape occurs only for problems containing hints. The shape for end-of-chapter problems that do not contain any hints tends to be linear with more students falling into the first (quick) and third (late) regions. Generally only about 45% of the students finish within 2 min to 2 hours. Certain best-fit functions (within 2 min to 2 hours) seem to be a feature of the problem regardless of whether that problem is done before or after a related problem. The group that does a problem second having solved a related problem first has an advantage in time over the group that solves the same problem first in most related problem-pairs. This difference is seen as measured by the shift in peaks of the gradient curves. The advantage (reduction) in median time to solution is as high as 35% with an average of about 12%. This shows evidence of learning from the first problem.



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PERC 2004 Organizing Committee

N. Sanjay Rebello  
Department of Physics
116 Cardwell Hall
Kansas State University  
Manhattan, KS 66506-2601  
(785) 532-1539 office (785) 532-6806 fax  
Rachel E. Scherr  
Department of Physics  
University of Maryland  
082 Regents Drive  
College Park, MD 20742-4111
(301) 405-6179 office (301) 314-9531 fax  
Michael C. Wittmann  
Department of Physics & Astronomy
5709 Bennett Hall
University of Maine  
Orono, ME 04469-5709  
(207) 581-1237 office (207) 581-3410 fax