August 4-5,
2004 |
Targeted Poster Session: TP-A
Challenges for the PER Community: An Exploration of Common Assumptions, Open Questions, and Current Controversies
Organizer: Paula Heron (pheron@dirac.phys.washington.edu), Univ. of Washington
Where: Summit Room
When: 8:15 – 9:45 & 3:45 – 5:15, Thursday, August 5
Goal: In this Targeted Poster Session, we will each identify specific common assumptions, open questions, or current controversies and argue the need for their illumination through research. We will challenge the community to tackle these issues and propose some initial steps. Participants in the session will be invited to refine and/or redirect these challenges, and pose additional ones of their own. The goal will be to stimulate research on some issues of importance for the field.
Individual Poster Abstracts
Macroscopic observations and microscopic models: What
do students really learn from computer simulations?
Paula Heron (pheron@dirac.phys.washington.edu),
University of Washington
Abstract: In 2000, Richard Steinberg published an article with the
provocative title “Computers in teaching science: To simulate or not to
simulate?” Steinberg had investigated student learning of air resistance with
and without a computer simulation. Among his goals was to assess the effect of
simulated experiments on student understanding of the nature of science.
Unfortunately, there are very few examples of research of this sort. The
enormous effort being devoted to the development and dissemination of
increasingly sophisticated simulations has not been accompanied by a similarly
vigorous attempt to understand their effects on student understanding, either of
the relevant concepts and principles or of the nature of scientific models. I
will argue that the implications of computer simulations for students’
epistemological development are in need of serious, systematic investigation. In
particular, we need to understand what to do to ensure that simulations
involving microscopic particles and processes enlighten, rather than mislead,
students about the nature of scientific models. This kind of research is needed
to provide guidance on the use of simulations in courses that have as their
goals helping students develop increasingly sophisticated views of the
scientific enterprise as well as of scientific concepts.
How Do You Hit a Moving Target? Addressing the Dynamics of
Students' Thinking
David Meltzer (dem@iastate.edu),
Iowa State University
Abstract: From the
standpoint both of research and instruction, the variable and dynamic nature of
students’ thought processes poses a significant challenge to PER. It is
difficult merely to assess and characterize the diverse phases of students'
thinking as they gain and express understanding of a concept. (We might call
this the “kinematics” of students' thought processes.) Much harder still is
uncovering the various factors (instructional method, student characteristics,
etc.) that influence and determine the trajectory of students' thinking, and
deciphering the mutual interaction of these factors. (We could call this the
“dynamics” of students' thinking.) I will outline some of the initial work that
has been done along these lines by various researchers, and I will identify some
directions for future research that I think might be fruitful for workers in PER
Synthesis in PER: How does it all fit together?
Edward F. Redish (redish@umd.edu),
University of Maryland
Abstract: We often say
that as physics education researchers, we are applying the methods of science to
help up understand how our students learn and do not learn physics. Often,
however, our “application of the scientific method” is restricted to observing
what our students do and trying to correlate their learning with instructional
changes that seem, intuitively, to make sense to us. It is more like
“seat-of-the-pants” engineering than like physics; more like Edison’s search for
the proper filament for a light bulb than like the current attempt to understand
spintronics in order to (eventually) build a better microchip. In true science
research, our experiment and theory perform an intricate dance, with theory at
one time taking the lead and suggesting experiments, at another time with
experiment taking the lead and producing results that demand new theoretical
explanations. Very little of what we do in PER resembles this complex and
productive interplay of theory and experiment. The big problem seems to be the
lack of a serious theoretical frame. Without a serious theoretical frame we are
unable to synthesize, unable to generate reliable predictions in situations we
haven’t observed, and unable to understand what our experimental results are
telling us. What theory do we need to know and/or develop in order to be able to
move into a more productive and more scientific mode of research?
PERC 2004 Organizing Committee |
N. Sanjay Rebello | |
Department of Physics | |
116 Cardwell Hall | |
Kansas State University | |
Manhattan, KS 66506-2601 | |
(785) 532-1539 office | (785) 532-6806 fax |
srebello@phys.ksu.edu | |
Rachel E. Scherr | |
Department of Physics | |
University of Maryland | |
082 Regents Drive | |
College Park, MD 20742-4111 | |
(301) 405-6179 office | (301) 314-9531 fax |
rescherr@physics.umd.edu | |
Michael C. Wittmann | |
Department of Physics & Astronomy | |
5709 Bennett Hall | |
University of Maine | |
Orono, ME 04469-5709 | |
(207) 581-1237 office | (207) 581-3410 fax |
wittmann@umit.maine.edu |