August 4-5,
2004 |
Workshop: W-A
Getting Articles into Journals
Organizer: Robert Beichner (beichner@ncsu.edu), North Carolina State Univ.
Where: Delta Suite
When: 8:15 – 9:45 & 1:45 – 3:15, Thursday, August 5
Goal: Participants will learn how to be more successful in getting research articles published.
Theme: Research isn't really "science" until it has been peer-reviewed and published. This workshop will present ways to increase the publishability of articles. Attendees will examine different types of journals, learn how to meet their individual formatting standards, and gain insight into how reviews are conducted.
Activities: Participants will compare different journals to help them "fine-tune" their writing style, review citation formatting, learn how to manage article layout, etc. They will see how to create articles using RevTex, the preferred form for submission to APS journals and the American Journal of Physics. After a thorough review of the steps required for a detailed review, attendees will work in groups to review example articles. (If space becomes a concern, we may need to limit attendance to only one participant per research group.).
PERC 2004 Organizing Committee |
N. Sanjay Rebello | |
Department of Physics | |
116 Cardwell Hall | |
Kansas State University | |
Manhattan, KS 66506-2601 | |
(785) 532-1539 office | (785) 532-6806 fax |
srebello@phys.ksu.edu | |
Rachel E. Scherr | |
Department of Physics | |
University of Maryland | |
082 Regents Drive | |
College Park, MD 20742-4111 | |
(301) 405-6179 office | (301) 314-9531 fax |
rescherr@physics.umd.edu | |
Michael C. Wittmann | |
Department of Physics & Astronomy | |
5709 Bennett Hall | |
University of Maine | |
Orono, ME 04469-5709 | |
(207) 581-1237 office | (207) 581-3410 fax |
wittmann@umit.maine.edu |