August 1-2, 2007
Greensboro University
Greensboro, NC

About Description
Previous PERCs

Schedule By Time
By Room

Formats Invited Talks
Targeted Poster
Roundtable Discussion
Contributed Posters

Targeted Poster Sessions
Contributed Posters
Roundtable Discussions

Search By Presenter
By Session

Invited Sessions Invited Talks
Targeted Poster Session

Contributed Sessions Contributed Posters
Roundtable Discussions

Proceedings Purpose
Peer Review

Session Formats


Bridging Session: Invited Talks & Panel Discussion [Click for details about Bridging Session]
PERC 2007 will commence with an Invited Talk & Panel Discussion Session (Wednesday -- 2:00-4:00).  Three invited speakers will present their research focused on the conference theme.   Each invited talk will be 30 minutes long.  A 30 minute panel discussion will follow the three talks.

Invited Talks & Panel Discussion [Click for details about Invited Talks Session]
There will be a second Invited Talk & Panel Discussion Session (Thursday -- 10:00-12:00).  Three invited speakers will present their research focused on the conference theme.   Each invited talk will be 30 minutes long.  A 30 minute panel discussion will follow the three talks.

Luncheon Banquet  Invited Talk [Click for details about Luncheon Banquet Talk]
There will be an invited talk following the Luncheon Banquet (Thursday --12:00-1:30).

Targeted Poster Sessions [Click for session list and descriptions]
Targeted poster sessions combine the graphic display of materials with the opportunity for discussion of the research. Sessions are organized around a common theme or body of work. Presenters introduce their posters with brief opening statements and end the session with a panel discussion of the research. The remaining time allows attendees to visit posters.  Although it is not a requirement, all targeted poster session presenters are urged to present their research on the conference theme. 
Click here for Guidelines.
Click here and the submission form will open in a new window.
Deadline: Friday, June 15.
If you get a "Survey no longer available" or "Unknown Error" message, please try the link again after some time.  If the message persists,  please email Sanjay Rebello (

Workshops [Click for session list and descriptions]
Workshops afford participants an opportunity to experience firsthand the research tools and strategies employed by the presenter.  Workshop presenters will create an interactive environment in which participants will become familiarized with real data or research results and work collaboratively to discuss their analysis and/or implications through hands-on/minds-on activities.  Similar to the Targeted Poster Sessions, Workshops will strive to address issues that pertain to the conference theme and/or general issues related to methodology of physics education research.
Click here for Guidelines.
Click here and the submission form will open in a new window.
Deadline: Friday, June 15.
If you get a "Survey no longer available" or "Unknown Error" message, please try the link again after some time.  If the message persists,  please email Sanjay Rebello (



Roundtable Discussion [Click for abstracts]
Roundtable discussions allow maximum interaction with the presenters by eliminating the formal didactic presentation. There will be opportunity for discussion on Wednesday evening, concurrent with the Contributed Poster Session. Individual presenters are assigned tables in a meeting room where interested persons may gather for discussion with the presenter about his or her paper or project. This format is particularly appropriate for papers addressing topics best pursued through extensive discussion. Authors are encouraged to bring copies of the full paper or summaries and to remain available for discussion throughout the session.
Click here and the submission form will open in a new window.
Deadline: Saturday, July 1.
If you get a "Survey no longer available" or "Unknown Error" message, please try the link again after some time.  If the message persists,  please email Sanjay Rebello (

Contributed Poster Presentation [Click for abstracts]
Every attendee is invited to contribute a poster describing his/her current research. There will be opportunity for viewing and discussing the posters on Wednesday evening at the Contributed Poster Session. The posters will remain up throughout the conference to encourage and facilitate discussion among the community.  Please prepare your poster to fit within a 4' x 4' area.
Click here and the submission form will open in a new window.
Deadline: Saturday, July 1.
If you get a "Survey no longer available" or "Unknown Error" message, please try the link again after some time.  If the message persists,  please email Sanjay Rebello (

About Description
Previous PERCs

Schedule By Time
By Room

Invited Talks
Targeted Poster
Roundtable Discussion
Contributed Posters

Targeted Poster Sessions
Contributed Posters
Roundtable Discussions

Search By Presenter
By Session

Invited Sessions Invited Talks
Targeted Poster Session

Contributed Sessions Contributed Posters
Roundtable Discussions

Proceedings Purpose
Peer Review

PERC 2007 Organizing Committee

Steve Kanim
Department of Physics, MSC 3D
New Mexico State University, PO Box 30001
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
(505) 646-1208  office
(505) 646-1934 fax
Michael Loverude
Department of Physics, MH-611
California State University Fullerton
Fullerton, CA 92834
(714) 278-2270 office
(714) 278-5810 fax
Chandralekha Singh
Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412) 624-9045 office
(412) 624-9163 fax
(412) 624-9163 fax