Physics & the Detection of Medical X-Rays
Röntgen's Discovery
Röntgen's accidentally discovered of the radiation which he
called "x-rays" and is now called Röntgen rays in much of the world. This
discovery can offer students a good understanding of how
scientific discoveries occur. The Web has several sites which include
excellent pictures including some images made by Röntgen.
Before X-rays and immediately after their discovery
The first chapter of a book, Naked to the bone: Medical
Imaging in the Twentieth Century, this site contains a fascinating story of
attempts by Alexander Graham Bell to find a bullet lodged in President James
Garfield. Exploring Bell's attempt to "look" inside the President's body with
electromagnetic induction would make a great physics lesson. Then, the
chapter describes Röntgen's discovery.
Entdeckung einer neuen Strahlung (The Discovery of New Radiation)

A very short discussion of Roentgen's early work

The source for the history of Röntgen and of x-rays from
their discovery to modern times. Even if you don't read German, you
should look at the pictures.
Die Versuchsanordnung
von Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

History of
Röntgen's discovery with pictures of the original equipment. For English
see the next link
experimental apparatus by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

Wilhelm Conrad Röngten

A 61-page biography which is primarily in German but
includes severla lengthy quotations in English. PDF
presentation speech

This speech given on December 10, 1901 by C.T. Odhner,
President of the Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences, describes why Röntgen was chosen for the first Nobel
Prize in physics.
Biography prepared the Nobel Committee

This biography was prepared at the time Röntgen received the
Nobel Prize. It is short but very informative.
Another biography

This biography was prepared at DESY and is written so that
school children will find it easy to read.
The Discovery Print

Some radiologists commissioned
a painting to commemorate the 100th anniversary of
Röntgen's discovery. It is a nice picture.
Language should not be a barrier.
A set of pictures including some of x-ray images taken in
1896. Language should not be a barrier.
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Röntgenstrahlung Entdeckung
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