Physics & the Detection of Medical X-Rays
X-Ray Production
Students can study the detection of x-rays without knowing how they are
produced. However, knowledge of the production processes will help them
understand better the overall process and the way in which x-rays obtain their
high energies. Prior to studying the material covered in the Web pages
listed below, students should have a knowledge of

The diagram
at the top of the page provides labels in both English and German of the
important components of an x-ray tube. The rest of the page is in
Radiation Science

A set of 35 PowerPoint slides that review the basic ideas of
x-ray production. The approach is qualitative with very few numbers and
no equations. This set contains several links to the Web pages in the
next link.
Production of X-rays

Several short lessons on the production of x-rays.
These lessons focus on the atomic processes and are primarily visual.
Much of it can be viewed without a knowledge of English. This
sequence is part of a
larger set of materials that look at all aspects of the physics of medical
Inside the X-Ray Tube

This animated sequence is part of the same course as the
ones in the link above. It provides some details on the process by which
x-rays are produced in a modern x-ray tube but does not present the atomic level
details. These animation can be viewed with a knowledge of English.
Physics 2000:

Part of a set of materials for teaching students in
approximately year nine of school about modern physics. This site
contains many animation, including one about the basic process of producing

This site is aimed at dental technicians. It contains
basic information on x-rays and their production. Then, it continues with
dosage and safety issues.
Physik 2000 -

A German translation of Physics 2000, this material is part
of a set of materials for teaching students in approximately year nine
of school about modern physics. This site contains many animation,
including one about the basic process of producing x-rays.
HyperPysics X-Ray Tube

Basic description of the x-ray tube with links to the types
of x-rays.
Zwei Arten von Röntgenstrahlung

These short screens provide an introduction to
characteristic rays and brehmstrahlung. An analogy with skiing is
presented for brehmstrahlung. These screens are part of a
larger set
on x-rays.
Virtual Physics in Radiology

The first three links give very short descriptions of x-ray
production. Most useful is
the third link
which is a diagram of a modern x-ray tube. The animations load rather
slowly and have limited value.
Bremstrahlung &
K X-Ray
Two separate links to two animations. Each is rather
short and simple. Shown together they can help the students understand
the difference between the two types of x-ray production. Because no
words are on the screen, the presentation does not depend on language.
Electromagnetic Spectrum & X-Rays

A textual presentation of the propeties and production of
x-rays. These pages include appropriate equations.

This text-style description of x-ray production contains
several graphics and some equations. PDF.
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X-ray production