Physics & the Detection of X-Rays
X-rays & Matter
X-rays interact with matter in several
ways. When thinking about the detection of x-rays for medical purposes
these interactions are important for two reasons.
First, the x-rays will interact with the
human tissue (otherwise they would be useless for medical diagnosis).
These interactions can cause damage to cells by either altering their structure
or killing them. This damage needs to be a small as possible. Thus. a
fundamental reason for developing sophisticated detection techniques is to
minimize the x-ray dose and thus minimize the probability of damage to cells.
Second, detection devices are built upon
the various ways in which x-rays interact. By taking advantage of the
interaction mechanisms designers can create ways to detect very low doses of
x-rays. When the detection device needs a very low dose, the total
intensity of the x-rays is small. Again, the probability of damage to cells
is minimized.
The Web sites below provide fundamental
information about the interactions of x-rays and matter. Most of the pages that
treat the interactions mathematically are written in German.
Interaction Between Penetrating Radiation and Matter

Brief overview that is part of a
larger course.
How X-Ray Machines Work for Kids!

Just what it says. Includes history as well as interactions.
Interaction processes of x-ray photons with matter

A table of the energies and the importance of the three major
processes by x-rays interact with matter. Part of a
larger web site on x-rays.
The Interaction of X-rays with Matter and Radiation Safety

The first half of this PDF file covers the three basic
interactions. Biological effects are covered as well.
Nielsen's slides

This PowerPoint presentation includes slides
related to x-ray interaction with matter. Includes many diagrams and
Radiologischer Kurs: Röntgenstrahlung

Notes on x-rays. Includes equations and diagrams.
Radiologie Grundlagen

A collection of PowerPoint slides in a PDF file. Basic
interactions are included.

Covers all types of radiation and has a discussion about biological interactions
Elektromagnetische Wechselwirkung von Photonen und Elektronen Mit Materie

Notes for a course. Includes a mathematical presentation
for each of the major interactions.
Wechselwirkung von Photonen mit Materie

PDF file with a large number of PowerPoint slides. Includes graphs and
equations that describe the interactions
Ionisierende Strahlung -Strahlungsarten und ihre
Wechselwirkungen mit Materie: Photonen - Elektromagnetische Strahlung

Introduces the basics of x-rays and their interactions with
matter. Includes some equations and diagrams. This section is part
of a long page
on ionizing radiation.
The Terrible Power of the Rays

This set of slides and scripts descirbe some of the early
tragedies of pioneers in the research and delvelopment of x-ray imaging.
Part of a larger
set of materials on the early history of x-rays.
Links for these individual interactions may be added later
Photoelectric Effect
Compton Scattering
Pair Production
Thomson (Rayleigh, coherent) scattering
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